Course Code
Course Name
ACT3094BED | Accounting in Business and Practice |
School of Business and Administration
ACT8011BED | Financial Accounting and Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACT8011BEF | Financial Accounting And Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB210 | Introduction to Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB210C | 會計學導論 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB211 | Introduction to Accounting I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB211C | 會計學導論 (一) |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB211CF | Introduction to Accounting I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB211F | Introduction to Accounting I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB212 | Introduction to Accounting II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB212C | 會計學導論 (二) |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB212CF | Introduction to Accounting II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB212F | Introduction to Accounting II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB304 | Accounting Information Systems |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB304F | Accounting Information Systems |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB311 | Financial Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB311F | Financial Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB313 | Management and Cost Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB313C | 管理及成本會計 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB313F | Management and Cost Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB323X | Business Law and Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB331 | Company Accounting I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB331F | Company Accounting I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB332 | Company Accounting II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB353C | 中國會計及稅務 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB367X | Management Accounting and Finance |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB378C | 中國會計 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB379C | 中國稅務 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB402 | Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB404 | Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB405 | Advanced Management Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB405F | Advanced Management Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB406 | Auditing |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB407 | Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB407F | Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB408 | Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB408F | Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB414 | Taxation I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB414F | Taxation I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB415 | Taxation II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB415F | Taxation II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB416 | Auditing I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB416F | Auditing I |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB417 | Auditing II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB417F | Auditing II |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB418F | International Tax |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB419F | PRC tax |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB430X | Financial Reporting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB431X | Auditing and Information Systems |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB811 | Financial Accounting and Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB811F | Financial Accounting and Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB825 | Theory and Practice of Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB861 | Accounting for Corporations |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB861F | Accounting for Corporations |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB863 | Financial Reporting Environment |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB864 | Tax Framework |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB864F | Tax framework |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB865 | Strategic Management Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB865CW | 戰略性管理會計 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB866 | Audit Theory and Practice |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB867 | Accounting Information Systems: A Managerial Perspective |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB867CW | 會計信息系統 : 管理與控制 |
School of Business and Administration
ACTB869 | Issues in International Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACY8004BEF | Advanced Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB804F | Advanced Taxation |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB805F | Management Accounting |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB809F | Global Strategy and Leadership |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB810F | International Financial Reporting Issues |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB815F | Management Accounting Issues |
School of Business and Administration
ACYB826F | Advanced Auditing |
School of Business and Administration
AMVEA200F | Alternative Animation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
AMVEA205BF | World Art |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ARTSA211 | Introduction to Poetry and Drama |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ARTSA228 | The Religious Quest |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ASMB318F | Aviation Ecosystem |
School of Business and Administration
ASMB438F | Aviation cargo operations and management |
School of Business and Administration
ASMB478F | Smart airport management |
School of Business and Administration
BFITL170C | 認識健康生活 |
School of Science and Technology
BIAB350F | Applied Multivariate Techniques for Business |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB351F | Business Programming |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB353F | Database Management |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB358F | Electronic Business Management |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB450F | Data Warehousing And Big Data Platform |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB451F | Decision Support And Simulation System |
School of Business and Administration
BIAB452F | Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics |
School of Business and Administration
BIOL1003SEF | Essential Biology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL2002SEF | Human Anatomy |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL2006SEF | Cells in Health and Disease |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL2036SEF | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL2045SEF | Human Biochemistry |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL3004SEF | Pathophysiology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL3015SEF | Medical Immunology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL312 | Human Physiology For Health |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL4011SEF | Medical Virology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOL4012SEF | Medical Genetics |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS103F | Essential Biology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS203 | Biology: Form and Function |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS204 | Biology: Uniformity and Diversity |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS205 | The Core of Life |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS235F | Biochemistry and Microbiology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS236F | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS301F | Conservation and Biodiversity |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS302 | Animal And Plant Physiology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS303 | Molecular Biology and Microbiology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS312 | Human Physiology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS328 | Ecology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS338 | Ecology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS401 | Contemporary Biology Development |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS402F | Medical Genetics and Immunology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS406 | Tools and Techniques for Biotechnology |
School of Science and Technology
BIOLS406F | Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology |
School of Science and Technology
BISB121 | Business Computing with Internet Applications |
School of Business and Administration
BISB123 | Business Computing Applications |
School of Business and Administration
BISB123C | 商業電腦應用 |
School of Business and Administration
BISB123F | Business Computing with Internet Applications |
School of Business and Administration
BISB316 | Management Information Systems: Concepts and Practices |
School of Business and Administration
BISB318 | Information Systems Management |
School of Business and Administration
BISB318C | 資訊系統管理 |
School of Business and Administration
BISB319 | Advanced Business Computing |
School of Business and Administration
BISB321 | Advances in Information Technology : Systems Administration |
School of Business and Administration
BISB322 | Networking Applications and Electronic Commerce |
School of Business and Administration
BISB329 | Object-oriented Systems Analysis and Design |
School of Business and Administration
BISB421 | Information Systems Audits, Security and Control |
School of Business and Administration
BISB422 | Advanced Electronic Commerce |
School of Business and Administration
BISB423 | Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management |
School of Business and Administration
BISB425 | Strategic Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) |
School of Business and Administration
BISB842C | 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 |
School of Business and Administration
BISB870 | Electronic Commerce for Managers |
School of Business and Administration
BISB871 | Internet Technology |
School of Business and Administration
BISB874 | Advanced Electronic Commerce Applications |
School of Business and Administration
BISB876 | Electronic Financial Services |
School of Business and Administration
BISB892 | Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
BSCIA121F | Behavioural Sciences : Principles and Application |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
BSCIA123F | Sociology for Nurses : Principles and Application |
School of Science and Technology
BSCIA124F | Paychology for Nurses : Principles and Application |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
BSCIA223F | Healthcare and Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
BUS 2037BEF | English Communication for Managers I |
School of Business and Administration
BUS2020BEF | Integrated Business Functions |
School of Business and Administration
BUS2037BEF | English Communication for Managers I |
School of Business and Administration
BUS3037BEF | BUS3037BEF |
School of Business and Administration
BUS8008BEF | Business Administration Perspectives |
School of Business and Administration
BUS8028BEF | Business Administration Perspective |
School of Business and Administration
BUS8070BCF | 可持續發展商業實踐 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB100 | Business Communication |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB103 | English and Communications for Business I |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB103F | Business Communication I |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB104 | English and Communication for Business II |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB104F | Business Communication II |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB161F | Understanding the Business Market |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB170 | Quantitative Methods For Business |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB170C | 商業數量法 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB171 | Business Statistics |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB171C | 商業統計學 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB171CF | Business Statistics |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB171F | Business Statistics |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB172 | Quantitative Methods for Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB172C | 決策數量法 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB190C | 商業關係與溝通 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB191C | 商業關係與溝通 (一) |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB191CF | Business Relations and Communication I |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB192C | 商業關係與溝通 (二) |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB192CF | Business Relations and Communication II |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB200F | Integrated Business Foundation |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB220F | Integrated Business Functions |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB222 | Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB222F | Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB223F | Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB237F | English Communication for Managers I |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB272 | Quantitative Methods for Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB272C | 決策數量法 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB272CF | Quantitative Methods for Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB272F | Quantitative Methods for Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB273 | Quantitative Analysis for Business |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB273C | 商品數量分析 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB348F | Advanced Managerial Communication |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB368 | Business Issues and Ethics |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB368F | Business Issues and Ethics |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB808F | Business Administration Perspectives |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB811C | 工商管理基礎 (一) |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB812C | 工商管理基礎 (二) |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB823C | 經濟理論與實務 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB828F | Business Administraton Perspectives |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB870CF | 可持續發展商業實踐 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB888F | Integrated Business Studies for Managers |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB950 | Business Research |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB950C | 商業研究 |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB980 | Directed Studies in Business Research |
School of Business and Administration
BUSB980C | 商業專題研究 |
School of Business and Administration
CAHTA801F | Tourism and Contemporary Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA803F | Heritage and Tourism |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA804F | Economics of Tourism |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA812F | Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMD1000AEF | Introduction to Advertising Media |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMD2003AEF | Advertising Audience Behaviour |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMDA100F | Introduction to advertising Media |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMDA202F | Branding and Visual Identity |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CBUB355C | 華人企業專題 |
School of Business and Administration
CBUB356CF | 中國市場學(一) |
School of Business and Administration
CBUB357CF | Marketing in China II |
School of Business and Administration
CBUB358CF | 華人企業專題 (一) |
School of Business and Administration
CBUB359CF | 華人企業專題(二) |
School of Business and Administration
CCAA207CF | 華語電影藝術與文化 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CCAA352CF | 廣播劇創作 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CCAA399CF | 專題研習I(電影短片劇本/小說寫作/電影研究) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CGV8012BED | Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance |
School of Business and Administration
CGV8012BEF | Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance |
CGV8013BEF | Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB410 | Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB411F | Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice I |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB412F | Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice II |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB413 | Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB812 | Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB812F | Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB813 | Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB813F | Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB897 | Corporate Administration and Secretaryship |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB897F | Corporate Administration and Secretaryship |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB898 | Issues in Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CGVB898F | Issues in Corporate Governance |
School of Business and Administration
CHEMS201F | Nutrition And Food Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS246 | Organic Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS251 | Organic and Physical Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS310 | Analytical Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS311 | Analytical Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS312 | Instrumental Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS340 | Inorganic Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS345 | Principles of Chemical Synthesis |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS402 | Contemporary Chemistry Development |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS445 | Advances in Chemical Synthesis |
School of Science and Technology
CHEMS450 | Advanced Techniques for Organic Structure Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
CHIN1001ACD | 中國文學概論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1003ACF | 古代文學名篇導讀 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1005ACD | 應用文 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1006ACD | 語文通論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2001ACD | 傳播理論與中文傳意 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2006ACD | 現代語法(一) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2007ACD | 現代語法(二) |
CHIN2008ACD | 詩選 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2010ACD | 現代詩歌與小說 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2012ACD | 秦至隋之興替 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2013ACD | 唐至元之盛衰 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2280ECD | 應用中文 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3005ACD | 編輯與廣告 |
CHIN3006ACD | 當代中國文藝與社會 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3009ACD | 文學批評:先秦至唐五代 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3013ACD | 晚清史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN4007ACD | 文獻目錄學 |
CHIN4008ACD | 古典短篇小說 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN8402ECF | 漢英語言對比研究 |
School of Education and Languages
CHIN8405ECF | 中華文化及跨文化交際 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINA162C | 中國人文學科基礎課程 (一) : 歷史與文學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA163C | 中國人文學科基礎課程(二): 思想與信仰 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA171C | 應用文 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA172C | 語文通論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA172CF | Introduction to Chinese Language |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA202C | 當代中國文化 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA213C | 香港歷史﹝1842-1997﹞ |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA240C | 中文傳意:理論與實踐 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA241CF | Chinese Communication I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA246CF | 古代漢語概論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA264C | 歷代散文 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA265C | 中國現代修辭學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA270C | 中國文學與文化導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA272C | 中國現代語法 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA273C | 詩詞選 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA273CF | Classical Chinese Shi and Ci Poetry |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA274C | 現代文學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA281C | 中國中古史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA282C | 中國近世史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA291C | 邏輯與方法論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA293C | 中國古代哲學思想 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA350C | 多媒體寫作及互聯網在研究上的應用 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA350CF | Writing for Multimedia with Internet Applications in Research |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA360C | 新聞、 編輯及廣告 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA360CF | News Writing, Editing and Advertising |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA362C | 中國當代文學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA366C | 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA371C | 中國古典小說 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA372C | 中國文學批評 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA373B | 中西比較文學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA381C | 史學方法 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA383C | 中國近代史 (1840-1949) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA384C | 宋元明清社會經濟史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA391C | 中國宋元明哲學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA392C | 明末以來中國思想史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA807CF | 香港文學專題 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINE050C | Chinese for Post-secondary Study |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE131CF | 現代漢語導論 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE132CF | 中國語文(一) |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE230C | 中國語文運用(二) |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE231CF | 語言、文化和社會 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE241CF | 漢語心理與公關寫作 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE330C | 教學專業語文知識 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE811CF | 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE831C | 漢語社會語言學 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE832C | 現代漢語研究 : 修辭學 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE833C | 現代漢語研究: 語音學與文字學 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINE834C | 現代漢語研究 : 句法學與詞彙學 |
School of Education and Languages
CHINL124C | Chinese Business Communication |
School of Education and Languages
CHSTA201 | Understanding Chinese Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA202C | 當代中國文化 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA300C | 中國法律與法制 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA301 | Critical Issues in Contemporary China |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA303C | 中國對外貿易與投資 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA304C | 中國當代史 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA312 | Global Politics and China |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA322 | Governing China |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
CMPH8601NCF | 中藥風險分析與管理 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
CMPH8602NCF | 中藥商品與鑑證 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
CMPH8603NCF | 藥學實踐研究方法 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
COMP2010SED | Computing Fundamentals with Java |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2020SEF | Java Programming Fundamentals |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2090SEF | Data Structures, Algorithms & Problem Solving |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2120SED | Network Programming and Design |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2580SED | Computer Programming and Problem Solving |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2600SED | Computer Architecture and Operating Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2640SEF | Discrete Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
COMP2660SEF | Computer Architecture |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3110SED | Advanced Java Programming and Moile Application Development |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3200SEF | Database Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3500SEF | Software Engineering |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3590SED | Relational Databases: Theory and Practice |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3630SED | Discrete Structures |
School of Science and Technology
COMP3810SEF | Server-Side Technologies and Cloud Computing |
School of Science and Technology
COMP4560SED | Software Engineering and Project Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMP4680SED | Networks and Distributed Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMP4910SED | Machine Learning and Applications |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS201 | Computing Fundamentals with Java |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS202F | Java Programming Fundamentals |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS203F | Intermediate Java Programming and User Interface Design |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS210 | Computing fundamentals |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS211 | Object-oriented Technology |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS258 | Computer Programming and Problem Solving |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS258F | Computer Programming and Problem Solving |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS260 | Computer Architecture & Operating Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS263 | Discrete Structures |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS265F | Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS266F | Computer Architecture |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS267F | Operating System |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS269 | Commercial Information Systems and Programming |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS311 | Java Application Development and Programming Languages |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS320F | Database Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS321F | Advanced Database and Data Warehousing |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS333F | Advanced Programming And Ai Algorithms |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS350F | Software Engineering |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS351F | Software Project Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS356 | Software Engineering and Project Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS358 | Relational Databases |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS358F | Relational Databases |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS359 | Relational Databases: Theory and Practice |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS368 | Networks and Distributed Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS380F | Web Applications : Design and Development |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS381F | Server-Side Technologies and Cloud Computing |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS382F | Data Mining |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS384F | 3D Graphics and Animation |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS390F | Creative Programming For Games |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS411 | Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital Multimedia & Java Mobile Games |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS411F | Advanced Topics in Computing : Digital Multimedia and Java Mobile Games |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS413F | Game Development on Mobile Devices |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS450 | Applied Computing Project |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS460F | Advanced Topics In Data Mining |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS480F | Web 2.0 Technologies |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS491 | Machine Learning and Applications |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS492F | Artificial Intelligence |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS800 | Information Technology and Software Development |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS801 | Object Oriented Programming and Internet Application Development |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS811 | Java Programming for Web Applications, Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS812 | Information Security |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS821F | Architectures of Enterprise Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS834 | Web Server Technology |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS838 | Enterprise Systems and Information Security Management |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS858 | Advanced Database Systems |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS880 | Software Engineering |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS888 | Multimedia Technology |
School of Science and Technology
COMPS890 | Project in Internet Applications |
School of Science and Technology
COMRB202F | Introduction To Management |
School of Business and Administration
COMRB204 | Introduction to Business and Management |
School of Business and Administration
COMRB205F | Introduction to Business |
School of Business and Administration
COMRB208 | Creating Values |
School of Business and Administration
COMRB208F | Introduction To Computer Programming |
School of Business and Administration
COMRB219F | Conditioning Science into Practice |
School of Business and Administration
School of Arts and Social Sciences
COUNA311F | Addiction Counselling |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
DB8075BCF | 數碼經濟與創新 |
School of Business and Administration
DB8075BEF | Digital economy and innovation |
School of Business and Administration
DBB347F | Digital Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
DBB873F | Digital futures |
School of Business and Administration
DBB875F | Digital economy and innovation |
School of Business and Administration
DBB879F | Leadership In The Digital Age |
School of Business and Administration
DESNS217 | Design Essentials |
School of Science and Technology
DESNS364 | Fundamentals of Interaction Design |
School of Science and Technology
DESNS368 | Innovation and Sustainability |
School of Science and Technology
ECON1001AEF | Foundations of Social Sciences: Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON2001AED | Introduction to Microeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON2002AED | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON3010AED | Theory of Public Finance |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA121F | Foundations of Social Sciences: Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA201 | Economics of E-commerce & Technology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA202C | 當代中國經濟發展 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA203 | Hong Kong Economy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA230 | Introduction to Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA230C | Introduction to Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231 | Introduction to Microeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231C | 微觀經濟學導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231CF | Introduction to Microeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231F | Introduction to Microeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232 | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232C | 宏觀經濟學導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232CF | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232F | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA233F | Mathematics for Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA301 | Economic Analysis of Business and Public Policies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA302 | Business and Economic Forecasting |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA303 | International Trade and Finance |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA305 | Money and Banking |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA308 | Advanced Economics of E-Commerce and Technology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA311 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA311F | Intermediate Microecomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA312 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA312F | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA313 | Introductory Econometrics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA314 | Econometrics and Forecasting |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA315 | International Trade |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA316 | International Finance |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA317 | Theory of Public Finance |
School of Business and Administration
ECONA318 | Economic Analysis of Public Policy |
School of Business and Administration
ECONA324F | Global Political Economy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA325F | Money, Banking and Financial Markets |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA329F | Economic Growth and Development |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA330F | International Trade |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA831F | Applied Microeconomics Analysis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA832F | Applied Macroeconomics Analysis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA833F | Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA834F | International Migration and Labour Economics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
EDU 2263ECD | 幼兒的個別差異 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1158ECD | 幼兒教育︰德育探究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1159ECD | 幼兒教育﹕遊戲探究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1160ECD | 兒童研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1160ECF | 兒童研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1161ECD | 幼兒教育基礎理論 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1161ECF | 幼兒教育基礎理論 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU1261ECD | 幼兒教育課程規劃 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2248ECD | 幼兒語文(一) |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2250ECD | 基礎輔導 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2253EEF | Child and Adolescent Development |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2273ECD | 幼兒數學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2273ECF | 幼兒數學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2276ECD | 幼兒教育:視覺藝術 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2277ECD | 幼兒教育:音樂與律動 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2278ECD | 幼兒教育﹕大自然與生活 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU2278ECF | Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education |
School of Education and Languages
EDU3271ECD | 幼兒課程學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU3281ECD | 早期評估與介入 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU3370ECD | 幼兒學與教的心理學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU3373ECD | 教育管理:理論與實務 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU3374ECD | 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU4220ECD | 教育與社會 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU4383ECD | 有專注力不足/ 過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU4384ECD | 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU4415ECD | 幼兒融合教育 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU4480ECD | 幼兒教育政策分析 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8051ECD | 教育領導與管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8361ECD | 中學教學:數學課程 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8362ECD | 中學中國語文:課程與評估 |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8363EED | English Language Education in Secondary Schools: Learning, Curriculum and Assessment |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8813ECD | Understanding Children's Development: The World of Children and Young People |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8861ECD | 專業技巧:中學數學教學(教學實習) |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8862ECD | 專業技巧:中學中國語文教學(教學實習) |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8865EED | Professional Skills: Teaching English Language in Secondary Schools (Practicum) |
School of Education and Languages
EDU8899ECD | 教師、學校課程與學校發展 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE100 | Learning and Teaching in a School Context |
School of Business and Administration
EDUE160C | 兒童研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE160CF | 兒童研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE161C | 幼兒教育基礎理論 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE161CF | 幼兒教育基礎理論 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE200C | 兒童成長與課堂學習 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE210C | 課程理論、設計與評估 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE219F | Curriculum and Assessment Theories |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE220C | 教育與社會 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE220CF | 教育與社會 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE220F | Education and Society |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE251C | 課程學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE252C | 教育心理學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE252F | Educational Psychology |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE253F | Child and Adolescent Development |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE254F | Psychology of Teaching and Learning |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE261C | 幼兒教育課程規劃 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE262C | 幼兒教育機構的管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE263C | 兒童的個別差異 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE270C | 幼兒學與教的心理學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE271C | 幼兒課程學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE275C | 幼兒教育 : 語文 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE275CF | 幼兒教育:語文 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE276C | 幼兒教育 : 視覺藝術 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE277C | 幼兒教育 : 音樂與律動 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE278C | 幼兒教育 : 早期數學、科學與科技 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE278CF | 幼兒教育 : 早期數學、科學與科技 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE279C | 領導幼兒教學的創新與資訊科技應用 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE281C | 早期評估與介入 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE281CF | 早期評估與介入 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE282C | 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE282CF | 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE311C | 教育行政 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE313C | 特殊的教育需要 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE314C | 教育科技與資訊科技 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE315F | Inclusive Education |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE331C | 小學教學 : 中文 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE332 | Primary School Teaching : English |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE333C | 小學教學 : 數學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE334C | 小學教學 : 常識 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE336C | 小學教學 : 視覺藝術 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE337C | 小學教育 : 體育 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE339C | 小學教學 : 普通話 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE341CF | 普通話為中文科的教學語言 : 理論與實踐 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE351C | 有教無類 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE353F | EDUE353F |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE361 | Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE363 | Teaching English in Secondary Schools |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE365F | Teaching English in Schools |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE372C | 幼兒融合教育 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE373C | 教育管理: 理論與實務 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE374C | 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE380C | 幼兒教育政策分析 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE383C | 有專注力不足/過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE383CF | 有專注力不足/過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE385C | 支援自閉症幼兒 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE386C | 語言遲緩與訓練 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE400F | Skills in Teaching English |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE801 | Educational Research in Action |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE802 | Language and Literacy in Social Context |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE805 | Effective Leadership and Management in Education |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE805C | 教育領導與管理 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE806 | Educational Management in Action |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE808C | 中國語文教育 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE809 | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Worldwide |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE813 | Child Development in Families, Schools and Society |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE813C | 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE814 | Supporting Lifelong Learning |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE815 | Leading and Managing for Effective Education |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE817 | Learning, Curriculum and Assessment |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE817C | 學習、課程與評估 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE819 | Investigating Language in Action |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE823 | Understanding Children's Development |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE825 | Educational Leadership: Context, Strategy and Collaboration |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE840C | 兒童、學習與課程 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE841 | Skills in Teaching Primary School English |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE841C | 專業技巧:小學教學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE842C | 小學教學專業課題研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE846 | Curriculum, Learning and Society: Investigating Practice |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE850C | 課程與評估 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE854C | 學習者、學習與學校課程 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE862C | 專業技巧:中國語文教學 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE863 | Professional Skills : Teaching English |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE865 | English Language Teaching: Professional Skills |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE870C | Professional Issues in Secondary School Teaching |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE872C | 教學專業課題研究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE881C | 戲劇與學校課程 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE882CF | 幼兒教育探究 |
School of Education and Languages
EDUE891 | Education Enquiry |
School of Education and Languages
EDUL060C | Study Skills for Distance Education |
School of Education and Languages
EDUL080 | Study Skills |
School of Education and Languages
ELEC1010SEF | Digital Logic Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC2010SEF | Basic Electronics |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC2050SEF | Signal and Systems |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC3220SED | Circuit Analysis and Logic Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC3240SED | Computers and Processors |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC3250SED | Electronic Circuit Analysis And Design |
ELEC3320SED | Computer Networks |
School of Science and Technology
ELEC4340SED | Signal Processing And Multimedia Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS100F | Introduction to Computer Engineering |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS101 | Aircraft Electrics |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS201F | Basic Electronics |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS202 | Analogue and Digital Electronics |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS205F | Signals and Systems |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS211 | Fundamentals of Communications Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS212 | Network Programming and Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS212F | Network Programming and Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS222 | Electronics Principles and Digital Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS222F | Electronics Principles and Digital Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS223 | Microprocessor-based Computers |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS224 | Computers and Processors |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS225 | Analogue Circuits |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS241F | Electronic Circuit Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS304F | Communication Systems |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS305F | Computer Networking |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS306F | Wireless Networks |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS311 | Wireless Communications |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS312 | Networking and Switching Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS313 | Emerging Technologies |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS315F | Routing and Switching Technologies |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS321 | Internet Technology for Business Applications |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS323 | Information Theory and Digital Communications |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS323F | Information Theory and Digital Communications |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS326F | Mobile Application Development |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS332 | Computer Networks |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS333 | Computer and PC Design |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS334 | Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS354 | Inside Electronic Devices |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS396 | Artificial Intelligence for Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS402 | Electronics Project Course |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS403 | Communications Technology Project |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS420F | Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensors |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS421F | Biomedical Informatics |
School of Science and Technology
ELECS431F | Blockchain Technologies |
School of Science and Technology
ENGG2002SEF | Fluid Mechanics |
School of Science and Technology
ENGG2003SEF | Thermodynamics |
School of Science and Technology
ENGG2004SEF | Piped and fire Services |
School of Science and Technology
School of Science and Technology
ENGG2060SEF | Introduction to Material Science |
School of Science and Technology
ENGG3042SEF | Construction Materials |
School of Science and Technology
ENGG3280SED | Engineering Professional Practice |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS202F | Fluid Mechanics |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS203F | Thermodynamics |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS204F | Piped and Fire Services |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS205F | Electrical Technology |
School of Science and Technology
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS228 | Engineers in Society |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS238 | Quality and Reliability |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS260F | Introduction to Material Science |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS301F | Project Management for Engineering |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS400F | Advanced HVAC and Electrical Installation |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS401F | Lighting Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS402F | Advanced Piped And Fire Services |
School of Science and Technology
ENGGS405F | Reinforced Concrete and Structural Steel Design |
School of Science and Technology
ENGL1031AEF | Introduction to English Fiction |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL1070EED | English for Post-secondary Study |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL1101AED | University English: reading and writing |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL1110EED | English for effective communication I: Listening and speaking |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL1120EED | English for effective communication I: reading and writing |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL1202EED | University English: Listening and Speaking |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL2005AEF | Folktales and Children's Literature in English |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2006AEF | Asian Writings in English |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2200EED | English for effective communication II : reading and writing |
ENGL2202AED | The structure of modern English I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2203AED | The structure of mordern english II |
ENGL2205EED | Preparing for IELTS |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL2210EED | English for effective communication II : listening and speaking |
ENGL2225EED | Short Stories around the World |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL2230EEF | Introduction to English Linguistics |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL2235EED | Hong Kong Literature in English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL3320EED | English Grammar in Context |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL3330EED | Lexical Studies in English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL3330EEF | Lexical Studies in English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL3345EED | Critical Analysis of Modern Literary Masterpieces |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL3350EED | Second Language Acquisition |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL4300EED | The Art of English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL4372EED | Worlds of English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL4425EED | Literature and Film |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL8810EEF | English Studies for Language Teaching |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL8815EEF | Investigating English in Context |
School of Education and Languages
ENGL8818EEF | Interdisciplinary Studies for English Language Learning and Teaching |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLA090 | English Speaking and Listening Skills |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA101 | University English Writing Skills |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA103F | British and American Short Stories |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA104F | World English(es) and Cultures |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA122 | Presentation Skills |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA131 | Introduction to English Fiction |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA131F | Introduction to English Fiction |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA132 | Introduction to English Drama and Poetry |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA200 | Analysing English Grammar |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA202 | The Structure of Modern English |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA204F | Modern British and American Drama |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA205F | Folktales and Children's Literature in English |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA206F | Asian Writings In English |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA212F | English Grammar Analysis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA231 | English Literature in the Modern World |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA232 | Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA232F | Socio-Cultural Issues In English Literature I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA233F | Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature II |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA235F | World Englishes And Globalization |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA236F | English-language Media and Pop Culture |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA237F | Culture and Adaptation Studies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA240F | Cultural Representations of the Metropolis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA322F | Chinese Literature In English Translation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA323F | European Literature in English Translation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA324F | Topic(s) in Chinese-Western Comparative Literature |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA336F | Major Authors In English Literature I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA337 | Critical Approaches to Literature |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA337F | Critical Approaches To Literature I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA338F | Major Authors in English Literature II |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA339F | Critical Approcaches To Literature II |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLE070 | English for Post-secondary Study |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE100 | English for Effective Communication I |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE110 | English for Effective Communication I : Listening and Speaking |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE120 | English for Effective Communication I: Reading and Writ |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200 | English for Effective Communication II : Reading and Writing |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200F | English for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200W | English Writing For Public Relations Professionals |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE205 | Preparing for IELTS |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE210 | English for Effective Communication II: Listening and Spea |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE230F | Language, Language Use And Language Acquisition |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE300 | The Art of English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE310F | Creativity in Everyday and Literary English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE320 | English Grammar in Context |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE320F | English Grammar in Context |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE340F | Learning from Masterpieces: Literature |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE370F | Analysing Discourse of Workplace English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE371 | The English Language: Past, Present and Future |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE371F | The English Language: Past, Present and Future |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE372 | Worlds of English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE372F | Worlds of English |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE373F | English in the World |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLE810F | English Studies for Language Teaching |
School of Education and Languages
ENGLS250F | English Writing for Workplace Communication |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS216 | Environment: Change, Contest and Responses |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS236F | Environmental Pollution and Control |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS237 | Environmental Control & Public Health |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS307F | Environmental Pollution and Global Climate Changes |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS319 | Environmental Legislation and Management |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS335 | Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS341 | Green Management: Sustainable Product Life Cycle, Environmental Management Systems and Regulations |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS403 | Applications of Biology and Chemistry in Environmental Studies |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS411 | Environmental Health and Safety |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS820 | Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS828 | Advanced Ecology |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS835 | Advanced Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS880F | Environmental Leadership and Decision-making |
School of Science and Technology
ENVRS881CW | 環境管理職分和領導力 |
School of Science and Technology
FIN8014BED | Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
FIN8014BEF | Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FIN8033BCF | 企業財務投資增長策略 |
School of Business and Administration
FIN8051BEF | Financial Planning and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FIN8057BEF | Tax, Estate and Trust Planning |
School of Business and Administration
FIN8062BEF | Treasury and Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB167C | 投資知識 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB168C | 個人理財 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB280 | Introduction to Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB280C | 財務管理導論 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB280CF | Introduction to Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB280F | Introduction to Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB281F | Finance for Managers |
School of Business and Administration
FINB351C | 中國金融專題 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB375F | Contemporary Banking Services |
School of Business and Administration
FINB377F | Technical Analysis In Financial Markets |
School of Business and Administration
FINB379F | Risk Management for Financial Markets and Products |
School of Business and Administration
FINB380C | 香港銀行及金融體系 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB381 | Commercial Banking |
School of Business and Administration
FINB383 | Regulatory Framework of Banking and Finance in Hong Kong |
School of Business and Administration
FINB384 | Insurance |
School of Business and Administration
FINB385 | Investment Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB385F | Investments |
School of Business and Administration
FINB386 | Financial Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
FINB386C | 財務決策 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB386F | Financial Decision Making |
School of Business and Administration
FINB387 | International Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB387F | International Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB388 | Banking Systems |
School of Business and Administration
FINB388C | 銀行體系 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB388F | Banking Systems |
School of Business and Administration
FINB389 | Financial Markets |
School of Business and Administration
FINB389F | Financial Markets |
School of Business and Administration
FINB428F | Behavioural finance |
School of Business and Administration
FINB457F | Real Estate Finance |
School of Business and Administration
FINB481 | Investment Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB482 | Corporate Financial Strategic |
School of Business and Administration
FINB484 | Financial Institutions Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB484F | Financial Institutions Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB485 | Special Topics in Management of Financial Institutions |
School of Business and Administration
FINB488 | Derivatives and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB488F | Derivatives And Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB814 | Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB814F | Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB829F | Managing Financial Risk |
School of Business and Administration
FINB833C | 企業財務 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB833CF | 企業財務 |
School of Business and Administration
FINB850 | Investment and Portfolio Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB850F | Investment and Portfolio Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB851 | Financial Planning & Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB851F | Financial Planning and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB862 | Treasury and Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB862F | Finance for Corporations |
School of Business and Administration
FINB872 | Special Topics in Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINB872F | Special Topics In Corporate Finance And Risk Management |
School of Business and Administration
FINL165 | Understanding Bank Services |
School of Business and Administration
FINTB338F | E-payment Systems, Cryptocurrencies and Cyber Security |
School of Business and Administration
GAPGA823F | International Organizations and Global Governance |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GCSTA216 | Chinese International Relations since 1949 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEM3001SED | Advanced High-Tech Gem Testing and Instrumentation |
School of Science and Technology
GEM3002SED | Gems and Jewellery: Production and Quality Management |
School of Science and Technology
GEN1001ABF | Film and Popular Culture |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1010ABF | 數碼攝影藝術與實踐 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1014AEF | Psychology of Intimate Relationships |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1018ACF | Chinese Literature and Culture |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1041EEF | Stress and Well-being |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN2013SEF | Nature Conservation: Exploring Biodiversity and Natural Landscapes of Hong Kong |
School of Science and Technology
GEN2068BEF | How to Start Your Business |
School of Business and Administration
GEN2255ECF | 普通話水平測試備考精研 |
School of Education and Languages
GENA101BF | Film and Popular Culture |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA107F | Psychology of Learning for Academic Success |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA108F | Critical Thinking for Everyday Life |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA110BF | Photographic Communication |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA117F | Psychology Of Work And Internship Preparation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA202F | Highlights in World Civilizations |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA208CF | 戀愛及和父母相處的心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENB160F | Fundamentals of Business Management |
School of Business and Administration
GENB250F | Fundamentals of Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
GENB268F | How to Start Your Business |
School of Business and Administration
GENE141F | Stress and Well-Being |
School of Education and Languages
GENE142CF | 趣味語文與妙趣文化 |
School of Education and Languages
GENN103CF | 向健康出發 |
School of Science and Technology
GENS213F | Nature Conservation: Exploring biodiversity and nature landscapes of Hong Kong |
School of Science and Technology
School of Business and Administration
School of Business and Administration
GIP201BEF | Global Immersion Programme |
School of Business and Administration
HESCN101C | 人類生物學 |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN102C | 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(一 |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN103C | 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(二) |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN104C | 健康概念及人際行為 |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN201C | 社區護理:概念與實務 |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN202C | 關懷特殊的需要:理論與實務 |
School of Science and Technology
HESCN203C | 社區護理服務研習 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
HISTA202 | Modern China (1900-1978) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA213 | A History of Hong Kong (1842-1997) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA213C | 香港歷史 (1842-1997) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA280 | What is Europe? |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA282 | Science, Technology and Everyday Life (1870-1950) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA317 | Themes in British and American History: A Comparative Approach (1760-1970) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA318 | War, Peace and Social Change : Europe 1900-1955 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
HPMB305F | Event Management |
School of Business and Administration
HPMB306F | Cultural Heritage Management |
School of Business and Administration
HPMB307F | Advanced Tourism Management |
School of Business and Administration
HPMB308F | Advanced Hotel Management |
School of Business and Administration
HPMB309F | Theme Park Management |
School of Business and Administration
HPMB310F | Tourism Planning and policy |
School of Business and Administration
HSCI8621NEF | Smart Ageing and Gerontology Project |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
HSCI9701NEF | Scientific Practice and Clinical Research |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
IB8090BCF | 國際管理策略 |
School of Business and Administration
IB8090BEF | International Management Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB387F | International Financial Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB390 | International Business Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB390C | 國際商業管理學 |
School of Business and Administration
IBB391F | International Business Environment |
School of Business and Administration
IBB392F | International business management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB396 | Asia Pacific Issues in Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB396F | Asia Pacific Issues in Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB397 | Global Issues in Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB397F | Global issues in Management |
School of Business and Administration
IBB461 | International Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
IBB461F | International Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
IBB890 | International Management Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB890CF | International Management Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB890F | International Management Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB891 | International Marketing Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB891F | International Marketing Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
IBB893 | Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia Pacific Region |
School of Business and Administration
IBB893C | 亞太區管理策略研究 |
School of Business and Administration
IDDAA101F | Introduction To Digital Art |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
IDDAA302F | Computational Art & Graphics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
IT1010SED | Introduction to Information and Communications Technology |
School of Science and Technology
IT1150EED | Information Technology for Learning |
School of Science and Technology
IT1230SED | Introduction to Internet Services and Applications |
School of Science and Technology
IT2340SED | Web Site Design |
School of Science and Technology
ITE150 | Information Technology for Learning |
School of Education and Languages
ITE150C | 資訊科技與學習 |
School of Education and Languages
ITL250C | 中文商業電腦 |
School of Education and Languages
ITS101 | Introduction to Information and Communications Technology |
School of Science and Technology
ITS123 | Introduction to the Internet |
School of Science and Technology
ITS123F | Introduction to the Internet |
School of Science and Technology
ITS234 | Web Site Design |
School of Science and Technology
ITS234F | Web Site Design |
School of Science and Technology
ITS290F | Human Computer Interaction & User Experience Design |
School of Science and Technology
LANG3329AED | Semantics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA330 | Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA331 | Language and Society in Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA332 | Stylistics & Discourse Analysis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA333F | Introduction to Sociolinguistics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA339F | Pragmatics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA343F | Sociolinguistic Issues in Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGE271 | 語言、傳意與社會 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LAW3062BEF | Business Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAW8010BED | Hong Kong Corporate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAW8010BEF | Hong Kong Corporate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB260 | Business Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB260C | 商業法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB261C | 中國商貿法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB262 | Business Law I |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB262C | 商業法 (一) |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB262CF | Business Law I |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB262F | Business Law I |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB263 | Business Law II |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB263C | 商業法 (二) |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB264C | 中國商業法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB265C | 中國商業法(二) |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB302 | Company Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB330F | Evolving Regulatory Framework of Fintech in Hong Kong |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB333 | Company Law I |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB333F | Company Law I |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB334F | Company Law II |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB339F | Regulatory Framework in Real Estate Industries |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB801C | 中國憲法與行政法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB802C | 中國民法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB803C | 中國商法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB810 | Hong Kong Corporate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB810F | Hong Kong Coprorate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB811C | 國際經濟及貿易法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB812C | 中國經濟法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB813C | 中國刑法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB814C | 法理學 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB815C | 中國知識產權法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB816C | 中國訴訟法與糾紛處理 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB817C | 國際私法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB843CW | 中國民法原理與實踐 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB843W | Principles and Practices of Chinese Civil Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB844CW | 中國合同法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB844W | Chinese Contract Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB845CW | 中國企業法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB846CW | 中國知識產權保護法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB846W | 中國知識產權保護法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB847CW | 中國金融法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB847W | Chinese Finance Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB848CW | 國際商業法與中國 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB853CW | 中國行政法原理與實踐 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB853W | Principles and Practice of Administrative Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB854CF | 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB854CW | 中國商業糾紛處理法律機制 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB854W | Chinese Legal Framework for Settlement of Commercial Disputes |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB868 | Corporate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB868CW | 企業法 |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB868F | Corporate Law |
School of Business and Administration
LAWB878F | Compliance for Corporate Finance |
School of Business and Administration
LAWL166C | 香港法律導論 |
School of Business and Administration
LESM2001AED | Hong Kong Criminal Justice System |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESM2003AED | Psychology for Law Enforcement |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESM3002AED | Public Order Management |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA201 | Hong Kong Criminal Justice System |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA202 | Police and Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA203 | Psychology for Law Enforcement |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA204 | Security Practice and Management |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA301 | Core Issues in Policing |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA302 | Public Order Management |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA303 | Societies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA304 | Research Methods in Law Enforcement and Security Studies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA305 | Major Issues in Criminology and Penology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LIBSA201 | The Pacific Century |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
LIBSA301 | A World of Whose Making? Politics, Economics, Technology and Culture in International Studies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
MATH1210SED | A Foundation in Pure Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATH1220SED | A Foundation in Applied Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATH1410SEF | Algebra and Calculus |
School of Science and Technology
MATHL030 | 基礎數學 |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS121 | A Foundation in Pure Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS121F | A Foundation in Pure Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS122 | A Foundation in Applied Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS122F | A Foundation in Applied Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS131F | Engineering Mathematics I |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS141F | Calculus & Algebra |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS201F | Finite Mathematics for Business |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS207 | 數學方法及模擬技巧 |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS213 | Linear Algebra and Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS214 | Fundamentals of Group Theory and Geometry |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS215 | Linear Algebra |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS216 | Mathematical Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS221 | Mathematical Methods |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS221F | Mathematical Methods |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS222 | Mathematical Models with Applications |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS232F | Engineering Mathematics II |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS233F | Engineering Mathematics III |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS242 | Statistics in Society |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS246 | Elements of Statistics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS248 | Analysing Data |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS249 | Practical Modern Statistics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS280 | Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS322 | Mathematical Methods and Fluid Mechanics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS333 | Advanced Mathematical Methods |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS336 | Groups and Geometry |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS337 | Complex Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS343 | Applications of probability |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS346 | Linear Statistical Modelling |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS350 | Applied Probability Models for Decision Making |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS365 | Graphs, Networks and Design |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS371 | Computational Mathematics |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS373 | Optimization Methods for Decision Making |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS381 | Number Theory and Mathematical Logic |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS382 | Number Theory and Coding Theory |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS390 | Quantitative Models for Financial Risk |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS390F | Quantitative Models for Financial Risk |
School of Science and Technology
MATHS391F | Mathematical Methods for Finance |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS101 | Aircraft Mechanics |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS213 | Materials: Engineering and Science |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS235 | Engineering Mechanics: Solids |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS264 | Design: Principles and Practice |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS363 | Computer-Aided Design |
School of Science and Technology
MECHS395 | Mechatronics |
School of Science and Technology
MGT3045BEF | Organisational Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MGT4002BED | Corporate Finance and Risk Management |
MGT8015BED | Strategic Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGT8015BEF | Strategic Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGT8020BCF | 競爭優勢策略 |
School of Business and Administration
MGT8020BEF | Strategy for Competitive Advantage |
School of Business and Administration
MGT8034BCF | 策略人力資源管理:創建競爭優勢 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB102 | Introduction to Services Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB160 | Business Management Fundamentals |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB160F | Business Management Fundamentals |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB240 | Principles and Practices of Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB240C | 管理原理與實務 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB240CF | Principles and Practices of Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB240F | Principles and Practices of Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB290 | Organizational Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB290C | 組織行為學 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB341 | Labour Relations and Law |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB341F | Labour Relations and Law |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB342 | Training and Development |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB342C | 培訓及發展 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB342F | Training and Development |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB343 | Managing in Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB343C | 組織管理學 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB344 | Theory and Design of Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB344F | Theory and Design of Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB345 | Managing in Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB345F | Managing in Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB346 | Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB346CF | Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB346F | Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB347 | Managing People and Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB349 | Managing Key Functions in Human Resource Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB354C | 中國企業策略 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB393 | Asia-Pacific management issues |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB396F | Asia Pacific Issues in Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB398 | Business Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB399 | Management Policy and Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB399C | 管理政策與策略 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB399F | Management Policy and Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB440 | Strategic Human Resource Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB441 | Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB441F | Strategic Human Resource Management I |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB442 | Strategic Human Resource Management Issues |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB442F | Strategic Human Resource Management Issues |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB800 | Foundations of Senior Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB8034BCF | 策略人力資源管理:創建競爭優勢 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB815 | Strategic Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB815F | Strategic Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB819 | Concepts and Practices of Contemporary Business Administration |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB819C | 當代工商管理概念與實務 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB820 | Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB820F | Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB822 | Creativity, Innovation and Change |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB824 | Managing Human Resources |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB827 | Strategic Human Resource Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB827F | Strategic Human Resource Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB831C | 策略管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB834C | 人力資源管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB834CF | 人力資源管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB837 | Human Resource Management in China |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB837F | 中國人力資源管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB838 | Managing Knowledge |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB838F | 知識管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB839 | Issues in Human Resource Management |
School of Business and Administration
MGTB839F | 人力資源管理研究 |
School of Business and Administration
MGTL162 | Managing Quality |
School of Business and Administration
MKT8041BCF | 動態創新市場管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MKT8041BEF | Innovative Marketing in a Dynamic World |
School of Business and Administration
MKT8077BCF | 品牌管理與行銷 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB250 | Introduction to Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB250C | 市場學導論 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB250CF | Introduction to Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB250F | Introduction to Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB352C | 中國市場學 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB362 | Marketing Research |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB362C | 市場研究 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB362F | Marketing Research |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB363 | Consumer Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB363C | 消費者行為 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB363F | Consumer Behaviour |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB365 | Services Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB365C | 服務市場學 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB365F | Services Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB366 | Marketing Communications |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB366F | Marketing Communications |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB370 | Operations Management |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB370C | 營運管理 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB372 | Operations Management: Concepts And Applications |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB373 | Operations Management: Tools, Models and Analytical Approaches |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB377F | Brand Management |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB391CF | 國際商業管理學(一) |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB391F | International Business Environment |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB392F | International business management |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB461 | International Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB461F | International Marketing and Strategy I |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB462 | Strategic Marketing |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB470 | Supply Chain Management |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB841C | 市場管理實務 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB841CF | 市場管理實務 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB890 | International Management Strategy |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB893 | Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia Pacific Region |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB893C | 亞太區管理策略研究 |
School of Business and Administration
MKTB896F | Project and Event Management |
School of Business and Administration
MLS4001SEF | Molecular Diagnosis of Human Diseases |
School of Science and Technology
NURS1101NCD | 人類生物學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS1102NCD | 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS1103NCD | 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS3405NED | Health Assessment and Primary Health Care |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8602NCF | 中醫護理學基礎 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8604NCF | 中醫臨床護理學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8606NBF | 專題研究 (中醫護理) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8612NEF | Contemporary Issues in Extensive ELC |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101C | 基礎生命科學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101CF | Life Sciences |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101F | Human Anatomy and Physiology |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN102CF | 人類生物科學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN103F | Fundamental Nursing Practice |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN104C | 精神健康 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN112C | 兒童及成人護理學 (一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN114C | 治療性精神護理學 (一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN114CF | 治療性精神護理學 (一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN150CF | 護理實務概論(一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN151CF | 臨床護理學[普通科](一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN161CF | 臨床護理學 [精神科] (一) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN202C | Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) I |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN203F | Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) I |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN204 | Mental health |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN205CF | 保健語言及傳訊 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208C | 健康促進 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208CF | 健康促進 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208F | Health Promotion |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN211F | Health Assessment |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212C | 兒童及成人護理學 (二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212CF | 兒童及成人護理學 (二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212F | Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN213C | 專科護理學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN213CF | 專科護理學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214C | 治療性精神護理學 (二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214CF | Nursing Therapeutics in Psychiatry II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214F | Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN221F | Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN222C | 臨床實習 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN225F | Nursing Therapeutics in General |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN226F | Nursing Therapeutics in Mental |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN228F | Specialty Nursing (Mental Health Care) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN250CF | 護理實務概論(二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN251CF | 臨床護理學[普通科](二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN252CF | 臨床護理學 [普通科] (三) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN261CF | 臨床護理學[精神科](二) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN262CF | 臨床護理學 [精神科] (三) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN300C | 護理專業透視 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN301 | Comparative Studies in Health |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN302 | Advanced nursing I |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN303 | Management and health promotion |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN304 | Advanced nursing II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN305 | Health Assessment and Primary Health Care |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN305F | Health Assessment and Primary Health Care |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN307F | Nursing Management |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN309CF | Perspectives in Professional Nursing II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN310 | Professional Nursing Practice |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN310F | Professional Nursing Practice |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN311F | Primary Health Care |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN312F | Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) III |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN313F | Nursing Research |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN314F | Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) III |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN320F | Nursing Research I |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN326F | Nursing Therapeutics in Mental Health Nursing IV |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN332F | Specialty Nursing |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN401 | Nursing Project |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN401F | Nursing Project |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN800CF | 中醫學基礎 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN801CF | 中藥及方劑學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN802CF | 中醫護理學基礎 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN804CF | 中醫臨床護理學 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN806BF | Research Project (Chinese Medicinal Nursing) |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN8607NCF | 中醫學基礎 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN200F | Principles of Physiotherapy Practice |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN201F | Functional Anatomy |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN202F | Movement Study and Exercise Science |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN208F | Research Methods and Statistics |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN301F | Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN304F | Neurological Physiotherapy |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN402F | Primary Health and Community Care |
School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHTOA100BF | Foundation of Photography |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHTOA304BF | Fine Art Photography |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHTOA306F | Expanded Imaging |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHYSS271 | Discovering Physics |
School of Science and Technology
POLS1001AEF | Foundations of Social Sciences: Political Science |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2001ACD | 政治學導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2001AED | Introduction to Political Science |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2002AEF | Introduction to Political Philosophy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2003AEF | Introductory Comparative Politics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA122F | Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA201 | Introduction to Political Science |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA201C | 政治學導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA211 | Government and Politics of Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA211C | 香港政府及政治 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA214 | The United States in the 20th Century |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA221F | Studying Government and Politics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA301 | International Organizations |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA316 | Democracy: From Classical Times to the Present |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA321 | Japanese Studies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA321F | Government and Politics of Greater China |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA329F | Political Analysis |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA330F | Contemporary Political Theory |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC2027AED | Positive Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC2032AED | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3009AEF | Research Methods in Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3029AED | Biological Psychology: Theories and Principles |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3030AED | Developmental Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA124F | Foundation of Social Sciences : Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA2028AED | Introduction to Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA209 | Child Development |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA212 | Exploring Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA212C | 心理學導論:理論與實踐 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA215C | 發展心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA221F | Introductory Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA222F | Psychology of Personal Growth |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA226 | Biological Psychology : Exploring the Brain |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA227 | Positive Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA228 | Introduction to Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA229 | Biological Psychology: Theories and Principles |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA230 | Developmental Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA232 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA236F | Positive Psychology And Mental Health |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA307 | Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on Self and Others |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA309 | Cognitive Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA309C | 認知心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA317 | Social Psychology: Personal Lives, Social Worlds |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA317C | 社會心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA318 | History of Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA319 | Theories Of Personality Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA320 | Cognitive Psychology: Theories and Applications |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA320F | Personality |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA321 | Social Psychology: Theories and Applications |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA321F | Social Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA322F | Life-Span Developmental Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA323F | Biological Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA324F | Cognitive Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA325F | Abnormal Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA327F | Counselling and Guidance |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA328F | Consumer Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA329F | Industrial-Organizational Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA330F | Learning and Motivation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA331F | Research Methods In Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA333F | Current Issues in Psychology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA334F | Psychological testing and Assessment |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA341F | Psychology of ageing |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA821F | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Perspectives |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTH1150ECF | 基礎普通話 |
School of Education and Languages
PTH2200ACD | 中級普通話(一) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTH2250ECF | 普通話運用 |
School of Education and Languages
PTH3255ECF | 高級普通話(本地課程 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHA200C | 普通話 II |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTHE150C | 基礎普通話 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHE150CF | 基礎普通話 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHE250C | 普通話運用 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHE250CF | 普通話運用 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHE255CF | 高級普通話 |
School of Education and Languages
PTHL110C | 中國商貿普通話 |
School of Professional and Continuing Education
PUAD2001AEF | Introduction to Public Administration |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD2002AED | Introduction to Public Policy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD2003AED | Introduction to Public Policy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD3001AED | Public Sector Management in Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA201 | Introduction to Public Policy and Administration |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA202 | Introduction to Public Administration |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA203 | Introduction to Public Policy |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA222F | Introduction to Public Administration |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA301 | Public Sector Management in Hong Kong |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA302 | Government and Business |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA303 | Current Issues in Public Sector Management |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA322F | Public Sector Management |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA323F | Public Policy Studies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
RFMB825F | Real Estate Markets |
School of Business and Administration
SCI1101SEF | General Biology Laboratory Training |
School of Science and Technology
SCI2005SEF | Public health and Infectious Control |
School of Science and Technology
SCI2006SEF | Pharmacology and Toxicology |
School of Science and Technology
SCI3031SEF | Biostatistics |
School of Science and Technology
SCI4001SEF | Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS121 | A Foundation Course in Physics & Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS122 | A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth Science |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS123 | Foundation Physics |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS124 | Foundation Chemistry |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS319 | Quality Management for Science and Technology |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS330 | Scientific Research Methods |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS404 | Advanced Topics in Food and Health Sciences |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS409 | Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology |
School of Science and Technology
SCIS411F | Environmental Health and Safety |
School of Science and Technology
SCMB370 | Operations Management |
School of Business and Administration
SCMB371 | Logistics |
School of Business and Administration
SCMB371C | 物流管理 |
School of Business and Administration
SCMB371F | Logistics |
School of Business and Administration
SCMB470 | Supply Chain Management |
School of Business and Administration
SCMB471F | Supply Chain Management |
School of Business and Administration
SOCI2002AEF | Essentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCI2018AED | Understanding Digital Societies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA123F | Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA201 | Sociology and Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA202 | Hong Kong Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA202C | 香港社會 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA208 | Welfare, Crime and Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA213 | Understanding Modern Societies |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA220F | Essentials of Sociological Inquiry |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA221F | Social Problems and Social Issues |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA223F | Deciphering Social Life |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA301 | Crime and Justice |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA315 | Crime, Order and Social Control |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA318 | Culture, Media and Identities |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA320F | Hong Kong Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA323F | Social Policy and Social Administration |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA326F | Crime and Punishment |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA327F | Globalization and Social Life |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA328F | Perspectives and Issues on Crime |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA329F | Crime Control and Punishment in Society |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA811F | Crime and Criminology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA812F | Punishment, Prison, and Penology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1012ACD | 社會科學基礎課程: 經濟學與政治學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1012AED | Understanding Economics and Politics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1021ACD | 社會科學基礎課程:心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1021AED | Psychology for Everyday Life |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1022ACD | 社會科學基礎課程:社會學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1022AED | Understanding Sociology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC2001AED | Mathematics for Social Sciences |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA111C | 社會科學基礎課程: 心理學與社會學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA112 | Understanding Economics and Politics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA112C | 社會科學基礎課程: 經濟學與政治學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA121 | Psychology for Everyday Life |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA121C | 社會科學基礎課程:心理學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA122 | Understanding Sociology |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA122C | 社會科學基礎課程:社會學 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA313 | Principles of Social Research |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA313C | 社會科學研究方法 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA326F | Quantitative Social Research Methods II |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA327F | Qualitative Social Research Methods I |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
SPM3036BED | Sport and science to coaching |
School of Business and Administration
SPM3039BED | Athletic Leadership and Sports Science Management |
School of Business and Administration
SPM4036BED | Exercise Science into Practice |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB213 | Working and Learning in Sport and Fitness |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB214F | Learning in Sport and Fitness |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB215F | Communication And Leadership In Sport And Fitness Organizations |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB218F | Sport Science into Practice |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB335 | Motivating and Coaching in Sports Management |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB336F | Introduction to Athletic Development |
School of Business and Administration
SPMB337F | Special Issues In Athletic Development |
School of Business and Administration
ST1020SEF | Computer Applications for Control and Automation |
School of Science and Technology
STAT1510SEF | Probability and Distributions |
School of Science and Technology
STAT2001AEF | Essentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
STAT2003AEF | Statistics |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
STAT2610SEF | Data Analytics with Applications |
School of Science and Technology
STAT2630SEF | Big Data Analytics with Applications |
School of Science and Technology
STATA222F | Qualitative Research Methods |
School of Science and Technology
STATS151F | Probability & Distributions |
School of Science and Technology
STATS242 | Statistics in Society |
School of Science and Technology
STATS261F | Data Science Fundamentals With Applications |
School of Science and Technology
STATS263F | Big Data Analytics And Applications |
School of Science and Technology
STATS310F | Statistical Methods for Investment |
School of Science and Technology
STATS312F | Design and Analysis of Experiments |
School of Science and Technology
STATS313F | Multivariate Statistical Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
STATS314F | Statistical Methods for Economics and Finance |
School of Science and Technology
STATS315F | Applied Probability Methods for Investment |
School of Science and Technology
STATS316F | Decision Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
STATS318F | Statistical Methods for Data Mining |
School of Science and Technology
STATS319F | Credit Risk Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
STATS347 | Mathematical Statistics |
School of Science and Technology
STATS366F | SAS Programming |
School of Science and Technology
STATS410F | Research Project in Quantitative Analysis |
School of Science and Technology
TCS120F | Computer Applications for Test Engineers |
School of Science and Technology
TCS319 | Quality Management for Science and Technology |
School of Science and Technology
TCS341F | Electrical Safety And Energy Efficiency |
School of Science and Technology
TCS361 | Instrumentation and Testing Techniques |
School of Science and Technology
TCS362 | Manufacturing and Inspection Technologies |
School of Science and Technology
TCS371 | Product Certification and Laboratory Accreditation Practices |
School of Science and Technology
TCS372 | Product Environmental, Health and Safety Standards |
School of Science and Technology
TCS409 | Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology |
School of Science and Technology
TRAN2251ACD | 翻譯導論 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRAN2252ACD | 翻譯導論(二) |
TRAN2254ACD | 傳譯基礎 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA251C | 翻譯語言結構 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA252C | 翻譯語言研究 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA253C | 譯文研究 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA254C | 傳譯基礎 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA335 | Culture and Translation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA351C | 實用翻譯1 (法律及商業) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA352C | 實用翻譯2 (公共行政及傳播媒介) |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA354C | 高級傳譯 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA369CF | 翻譯文化探討 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA369F | Cultural Issues and Translation |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA453C | 翻譯專題研究 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRMB312F | Responsible Tourism and Community Development |
School of Business and Administration