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Reserve Collection: Course List
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Course Code Course Name School
ACT3094BED Accounting in Business and Practice School of Business and Administration
ACT8011BED Financial Accounting and Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACT8011BEF Financial Accounting And Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACTB210 Introduction to Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB210C 會計學導論 School of Business and Administration
ACTB211 Introduction to Accounting I School of Business and Administration
ACTB211C 會計學導論 (一) School of Business and Administration
ACTB211CF Introduction to Accounting I School of Business and Administration
ACTB211F Introduction to Accounting I School of Business and Administration
ACTB212 Introduction to Accounting II School of Business and Administration
ACTB212C 會計學導論 (二) School of Business and Administration
ACTB212CF Introduction to Accounting II School of Business and Administration
ACTB212F Introduction to Accounting II School of Business and Administration
ACTB304 Accounting Information Systems School of Business and Administration
ACTB304F Accounting Information Systems School of Business and Administration
ACTB311 Financial Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB311F Financial Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB313 Management and Cost Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB313C 管理及成本會計 School of Business and Administration
ACTB313F Management and Cost Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB323X Business Law and Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACTB331 Company Accounting I School of Business and Administration
ACTB331F Company Accounting I School of Business and Administration
ACTB332 Company Accounting II School of Business and Administration
ACTB353C 中國會計及稅務 School of Business and Administration
ACTB367X Management Accounting and Finance School of Business and Administration
ACTB378C 中國會計 School of Business and Administration
ACTB379C 中國稅務 School of Business and Administration
ACTB402 Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis School of Business and Administration
ACTB404 Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACTB405 Advanced Management Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB405F Advanced Management Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB406 Auditing School of Business and Administration
ACTB407 Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I School of Business and Administration
ACTB407F Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I School of Business and Administration
ACTB408 Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II School of Business and Administration
ACTB408F Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II School of Business and Administration
ACTB414 Taxation I School of Business and Administration
ACTB414F Taxation I School of Business and Administration
ACTB415 Taxation II School of Business and Administration
ACTB415F Taxation II School of Business and Administration
ACTB416 Auditing I School of Business and Administration
ACTB416F Auditing I School of Business and Administration
ACTB417 Auditing II School of Business and Administration
ACTB417F Auditing II School of Business and Administration
ACTB418F International Tax School of Business and Administration
ACTB419F PRC tax School of Business and Administration
ACTB430X Financial Reporting School of Business and Administration
ACTB431X Auditing and Information Systems School of Business and Administration
ACTB811 Financial Accounting and Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACTB811F Financial Accounting and Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACTB825 Theory and Practice of Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB861 Accounting for Corporations School of Business and Administration
ACTB861F Accounting for Corporations School of Business and Administration
ACTB863 Financial Reporting Environment School of Business and Administration
ACTB864 Tax Framework School of Business and Administration
ACTB864F Tax framework School of Business and Administration
ACTB865 Strategic Management Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACTB865CW 戰略性管理會計 School of Business and Administration
ACTB866 Audit Theory and Practice School of Business and Administration
ACTB867 Accounting Information Systems: A Managerial Perspective School of Business and Administration
ACTB867CW 會計信息系統 : 管理與控制 School of Business and Administration
ACTB869 Issues in International Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACY8004BEF Advanced Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACYB804F Advanced Taxation School of Business and Administration
ACYB805F Management Accounting School of Business and Administration
ACYB809F Global Strategy and Leadership School of Business and Administration
ACYB810F International Financial Reporting Issues School of Business and Administration
ACYB815F Management Accounting Issues School of Business and Administration
ACYB826F Advanced Auditing School of Business and Administration
AMVEA200F Alternative Animation School of Arts and Social Sciences
AMVEA205BF World Art School of Arts and Social Sciences
ARTSA211 Introduction to Poetry and Drama School of Arts and Social Sciences
ARTSA228 The Religious Quest School of Arts and Social Sciences
ASMB318F Aviation Ecosystem School of Business and Administration
ASMB438F Aviation cargo operations and management School of Business and Administration
ASMB478F Smart airport management School of Business and Administration
BFITL170C 認識健康生活 School of Science and Technology
BIAB350F Applied Multivariate Techniques for Business School of Business and Administration
BIAB351F Business Programming School of Business and Administration
BIAB353F Database Management School of Business and Administration
BIAB358F Electronic Business Management School of Business and Administration
BIAB450F Data Warehousing And Big Data Platform School of Business and Administration
BIAB451F Decision Support And Simulation System School of Business and Administration
BIAB452F Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics School of Business and Administration
BIOL1003SEF Essential Biology School of Science and Technology
BIOL2002SEF Human Anatomy School of Science and Technology
BIOL2006SEF Cells in Health and Disease School of Science and Technology
BIOL2036SEF Cellular and Molecular Biology School of Science and Technology
BIOL2045SEF Human Biochemistry School of Science and Technology
BIOL3004SEF Pathophysiology School of Science and Technology
BIOL3015SEF Medical Immunology School of Science and Technology
BIOL312 Human Physiology For Health School of Science and Technology
BIOL4011SEF Medical Virology School of Science and Technology
BIOL4012SEF Medical Genetics School of Science and Technology
BIOLS103F Essential Biology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS203 Biology: Form and Function School of Science and Technology
BIOLS204 Biology: Uniformity and Diversity School of Science and Technology
BIOLS205 The Core of Life School of Science and Technology
BIOLS235F Biochemistry and Microbiology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS236F Cellular and Molecular Biology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS301F Conservation and Biodiversity School of Science and Technology
BIOLS302 Animal And Plant Physiology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS303 Molecular Biology and Microbiology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS312 Human Physiology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS328 Ecology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS338 Ecology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS401 Contemporary Biology Development School of Science and Technology
BIOLS402F Medical Genetics and Immunology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS406 Tools and Techniques for Biotechnology School of Science and Technology
BIOLS406F Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology School of Science and Technology
BISB121 Business Computing with Internet Applications School of Business and Administration
BISB123 Business Computing Applications School of Business and Administration
BISB123C 商業電腦應用 School of Business and Administration
BISB123F Business Computing with Internet Applications School of Business and Administration
BISB316 Management Information Systems: Concepts and Practices School of Business and Administration
BISB318 Information Systems Management School of Business and Administration
BISB318C 資訊系統管理 School of Business and Administration
BISB319 Advanced Business Computing School of Business and Administration
BISB321 Advances in Information Technology : Systems Administration School of Business and Administration
BISB322 Networking Applications and Electronic Commerce School of Business and Administration
BISB329 Object-oriented Systems Analysis and Design School of Business and Administration
BISB421 Information Systems Audits, Security and Control School of Business and Administration
BISB422 Advanced Electronic Commerce School of Business and Administration
BISB423 Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management School of Business and Administration
BISB425 Strategic Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) School of Business and Administration
BISB842C 高級資訊系統及電子商業策略 School of Business and Administration
BISB870 Electronic Commerce for Managers School of Business and Administration
BISB871 Internet Technology School of Business and Administration
BISB874 Advanced Electronic Commerce Applications School of Business and Administration
BISB876 Electronic Financial Services School of Business and Administration
BISB892 Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy School of Business and Administration
BSCIA121F Behavioural Sciences : Principles and Application School of Arts and Social Sciences
BSCIA123F Sociology for Nurses : Principles and Application School of Science and Technology
BSCIA124F Paychology for Nurses : Principles and Application School of Arts and Social Sciences
BSCIA223F Healthcare and Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
BUS 2037BEF English Communication for Managers I School of Business and Administration
BUS2020BEF Integrated Business Functions School of Business and Administration
BUS2037BEF English Communication for Managers I School of Business and Administration
BUS3037BEF BUS3037BEF School of Business and Administration
BUS8008BEF Business Administration Perspectives School of Business and Administration
BUS8028BEF Business Administration Perspective School of Business and Administration
BUS8070BCF 可持續發展商業實踐 School of Business and Administration
BUSB100 Business Communication School of Business and Administration
BUSB103 English and Communications for Business I School of Business and Administration
BUSB103F Business Communication I School of Business and Administration
BUSB104 English and Communication for Business II School of Business and Administration
BUSB104F Business Communication II School of Business and Administration
BUSB161F Understanding the Business Market School of Business and Administration
BUSB170 Quantitative Methods For Business School of Business and Administration
BUSB170C 商業數量法 School of Business and Administration
BUSB171 Business Statistics School of Business and Administration
BUSB171C 商業統計學 School of Business and Administration
BUSB171CF Business Statistics School of Business and Administration
BUSB171F Business Statistics School of Business and Administration
BUSB172 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making School of Business and Administration
BUSB172C 決策數量法 School of Business and Administration
BUSB190C 商業關係與溝通 School of Business and Administration
BUSB191C 商業關係與溝通 (一) School of Business and Administration
BUSB191CF Business Relations and Communication I School of Business and Administration
BUSB192C 商業關係與溝通 (二) School of Business and Administration
BUSB192CF Business Relations and Communication II School of Business and Administration
BUSB200F Integrated Business Foundation School of Business and Administration
BUSB220F Integrated Business Functions School of Business and Administration
BUSB222 Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes School of Business and Administration
BUSB222F Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes School of Business and Administration
BUSB223F Bridging Course For Senior Year Entry To Undergraduate Business Degree Programmes School of Business and Administration
BUSB237F English Communication for Managers I School of Business and Administration
BUSB272 Quantitative Methods for Decision Making School of Business and Administration
BUSB272C 決策數量法 School of Business and Administration
BUSB272CF Quantitative Methods for Decision Making School of Business and Administration
BUSB272F Quantitative Methods for Decision Making School of Business and Administration
BUSB273 Quantitative Analysis for Business School of Business and Administration
BUSB273C 商品數量分析 School of Business and Administration
BUSB348F Advanced Managerial Communication School of Business and Administration
BUSB368 Business Issues and Ethics School of Business and Administration
BUSB368F Business Issues and Ethics School of Business and Administration
BUSB808F Business Administration Perspectives School of Business and Administration
BUSB811C 工商管理基礎 (一) School of Business and Administration
BUSB812C 工商管理基礎 (二) School of Business and Administration
BUSB823C 經濟理論與實務 School of Business and Administration
BUSB828F Business Administraton Perspectives School of Business and Administration
BUSB870CF 可持續發展商業實踐 School of Business and Administration
BUSB888F Integrated Business Studies for Managers School of Business and Administration
BUSB950 Business Research School of Business and Administration
BUSB950C 商業研究 School of Business and Administration
BUSB980 Directed Studies in Business Research School of Business and Administration
BUSB980C 商業專題研究 School of Business and Administration
CAHTA801F Tourism and Contemporary Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA803F Heritage and Tourism School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA804F Economics of Tourism School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAHTA812F Heritage Preservation in Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMD1000AEF Introduction to Advertising Media School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMD2003AEF Advertising Audience Behaviour School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMDA100F Introduction to advertising Media School of Arts and Social Sciences
CAMDA202F Branding and Visual Identity School of Arts and Social Sciences
CBUB355C 華人企業專題 School of Business and Administration
CBUB356CF 中國市場學(一) School of Business and Administration
CBUB357CF Marketing in China II School of Business and Administration
CBUB358CF 華人企業專題 (一) School of Business and Administration
CBUB359CF 華人企業專題(二) School of Business and Administration
CCAA207CF 華語電影藝術與文化 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CCAA352CF 廣播劇創作 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CCAA399CF 專題研習I(電影短片劇本/小說寫作/電影研究) School of Arts and Social Sciences
CGV8012BED Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance School of Business and Administration
CGV8012BEF Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance
CGV8013BEF Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CGVB410 Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice School of Business and Administration
CGVB411F Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice I School of Business and Administration
CGVB412F Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice II School of Business and Administration
CGVB413 Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CGVB812 Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance School of Business and Administration
CGVB812F Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance School of Business and Administration
CGVB813 Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CGVB813F Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CGVB897 Corporate Administration and Secretaryship School of Business and Administration
CGVB897F Corporate Administration and Secretaryship School of Business and Administration
CGVB898 Issues in Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CGVB898F Issues in Corporate Governance School of Business and Administration
CHEMS201F Nutrition And Food Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS246 Organic Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS251 Organic and Physical Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS310 Analytical Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS311 Analytical Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS312 Instrumental Analysis School of Science and Technology
CHEMS340 Inorganic Chemistry School of Science and Technology
CHEMS345 Principles of Chemical Synthesis School of Science and Technology
CHEMS402 Contemporary Chemistry Development School of Science and Technology
CHEMS445 Advances in Chemical Synthesis School of Science and Technology
CHEMS450 Advanced Techniques for Organic Structure Analysis School of Science and Technology
CHIN1001ACD 中國文學概論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1003ACF 古代文學名篇導讀 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1005ACD 應用文 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN1006ACD 語文通論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2001ACD 傳播理論與中文傳意 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2006ACD 現代語法(一) School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2007ACD 現代語法(二)
CHIN2008ACD 詩選 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2010ACD 現代詩歌與小說 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2012ACD 秦至隋之興替 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2013ACD 唐至元之盛衰 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN2280ECD 應用中文 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3005ACD 編輯與廣告
CHIN3006ACD 當代中國文藝與社會 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3009ACD 文學批評:先秦至唐五代 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN3013ACD 晚清史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN4007ACD 文獻目錄學
CHIN4008ACD 古典短篇小說 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHIN8402ECF 漢英語言對比研究 School of Education and Languages
CHIN8405ECF 中華文化及跨文化交際 School of Education and Languages
CHINA162C 中國人文學科基礎課程 (一) : 歷史與文學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二): 思想與信仰 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA171C 應用文 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA172C 語文通論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA172CF Introduction to Chinese Language School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA202C 當代中國文化 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA213C 香港歷史﹝1842-1997﹞ School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA240C 中文傳意:理論與實踐 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA241CF Chinese Communication I School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA246CF 古代漢語概論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA264C 歷代散文 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA265C 中國現代修辭學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA270C 中國文學與文化導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA272C 中國現代語法 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA273C 詩詞選 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA273CF Classical Chinese Shi and Ci Poetry School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA274C 現代文學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA281C 中國中古史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA282C 中國近世史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA291C 邏輯與方法論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA293C 中國古代哲學思想 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA350C 多媒體寫作及互聯網在研究上的應用 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA350CF Writing for Multimedia with Internet Applications in Research School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA360C 新聞、 編輯及廣告 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA360CF News Writing, Editing and Advertising School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA362C 中國當代文學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA371C 中國古典小說 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA372C 中國文學批評 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA373B 中西比較文學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA381C 史學方法 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA383C 中國近代史 (1840-1949) School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA384C 宋元明清社會經濟史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA391C 中國宋元明哲學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA392C 明末以來中國思想史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINA807CF 香港文學專題 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHINE050C Chinese for Post-secondary Study School of Education and Languages
CHINE131CF 現代漢語導論 School of Education and Languages
CHINE132CF 中國語文(一) School of Education and Languages
CHINE230C 中國語文運用(二) School of Education and Languages
CHINE231CF 語言、文化和社會 School of Education and Languages
CHINE241CF 漢語心理與公關寫作 School of Education and Languages
CHINE330C 教學專業語文知識 School of Education and Languages
CHINE811CF 中文學科研究:古代漢語、文體、文化 School of Education and Languages
CHINE831C 漢語社會語言學 School of Education and Languages
CHINE832C 現代漢語研究 : 修辭學 School of Education and Languages
CHINE833C 現代漢語研究: 語音學與文字學 School of Education and Languages
CHINE834C 現代漢語研究 : 句法學與詞彙學 School of Education and Languages
CHINL124C Chinese Business Communication School of Education and Languages
CHSTA201 Understanding Chinese Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA202C 當代中國文化 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA300C 中國法律與法制 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA301 Critical Issues in Contemporary China School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA303C 中國對外貿易與投資 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA304C 中國當代史 School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA312 Global Politics and China School of Arts and Social Sciences
CHSTA322 Governing China School of Arts and Social Sciences
CMPH8601NCF 中藥風險分析與管理 School of Nursing and Health Studies
CMPH8602NCF 中藥商品與鑑證 School of Nursing and Health Studies
CMPH8603NCF 藥學實踐研究方法 School of Nursing and Health Studies
COMP2010SED Computing Fundamentals with Java School of Science and Technology
COMP2020SEF Java Programming Fundamentals School of Science and Technology
COMP2090SEF Data Structures, Algorithms & Problem Solving School of Science and Technology
COMP2120SED Network Programming and Design School of Science and Technology
COMP2580SED Computer Programming and Problem Solving School of Science and Technology
COMP2600SED Computer Architecture and Operating Systems School of Science and Technology
COMP2640SEF Discrete Mathematics School of Science and Technology
COMP2660SEF Computer Architecture School of Science and Technology
COMP3110SED Advanced Java Programming and Moile Application Development School of Science and Technology
COMP3200SEF Database Management School of Science and Technology
COMP3500SEF Software Engineering School of Science and Technology
COMP3590SED Relational Databases: Theory and Practice School of Science and Technology
COMP3630SED Discrete Structures School of Science and Technology
COMP3810SEF Server-Side Technologies and Cloud Computing School of Science and Technology
COMP4560SED Software Engineering and Project Management School of Science and Technology
COMP4680SED Networks and Distributed Systems School of Science and Technology
COMP4910SED Machine Learning and Applications School of Science and Technology
COMPS201 Computing Fundamentals with Java School of Science and Technology
COMPS202F Java Programming Fundamentals School of Science and Technology
COMPS203F Intermediate Java Programming and User Interface Design School of Science and Technology
COMPS210 Computing fundamentals School of Science and Technology
COMPS211 Object-oriented Technology School of Science and Technology
COMPS258 Computer Programming and Problem Solving School of Science and Technology
COMPS258F Computer Programming and Problem Solving School of Science and Technology
COMPS260 Computer Architecture & Operating Systems School of Science and Technology
COMPS263 Discrete Structures School of Science and Technology
COMPS265F Design and Analysis of Algorithms School of Science and Technology
COMPS266F Computer Architecture School of Science and Technology
COMPS267F Operating System School of Science and Technology
COMPS269 Commercial Information Systems and Programming School of Science and Technology
COMPS311 Java Application Development and Programming Languages School of Science and Technology
COMPS320F Database Management School of Science and Technology
COMPS321F Advanced Database and Data Warehousing School of Science and Technology
COMPS333F Advanced Programming And Ai Algorithms School of Science and Technology
COMPS350F Software Engineering School of Science and Technology
COMPS351F Software Project Management School of Science and Technology
COMPS356 Software Engineering and Project Management School of Science and Technology
COMPS358 Relational Databases School of Science and Technology
COMPS358F Relational Databases School of Science and Technology
COMPS359 Relational Databases: Theory and Practice School of Science and Technology
COMPS368 Networks and Distributed Systems School of Science and Technology
COMPS380F Web Applications : Design and Development School of Science and Technology
COMPS381F Server-Side Technologies and Cloud Computing School of Science and Technology
COMPS382F Data Mining School of Science and Technology
COMPS384F 3D Graphics and Animation School of Science and Technology
COMPS390F Creative Programming For Games School of Science and Technology
COMPS411 Advanced Topics in Computing: Digital Multimedia & Java Mobile Games School of Science and Technology
COMPS411F Advanced Topics in Computing : Digital Multimedia and Java Mobile Games School of Science and Technology
COMPS413F Game Development on Mobile Devices School of Science and Technology
COMPS450 Applied Computing Project School of Science and Technology
COMPS460F Advanced Topics In Data Mining School of Science and Technology
COMPS480F Web 2.0 Technologies School of Science and Technology
COMPS491 Machine Learning and Applications School of Science and Technology
COMPS492F Artificial Intelligence School of Science and Technology
COMPS800 Information Technology and Software Development School of Science and Technology
COMPS801 Object Oriented Programming and Internet Application Development School of Science and Technology
COMPS811 Java Programming for Web Applications, Enterprise Computing and Mobile Devices School of Science and Technology
COMPS812 Information Security School of Science and Technology
COMPS821F Architectures of Enterprise Systems School of Science and Technology
COMPS834 Web Server Technology School of Science and Technology
COMPS838 Enterprise Systems and Information Security Management School of Science and Technology
COMPS858 Advanced Database Systems School of Science and Technology
COMPS880 Software Engineering School of Science and Technology
COMPS888 Multimedia Technology School of Science and Technology
COMPS890 Project in Internet Applications School of Science and Technology
COMRB202F Introduction To Management School of Business and Administration
COMRB204 Introduction to Business and Management School of Business and Administration
COMRB205F Introduction to Business School of Business and Administration
COMRB208 Creating Values School of Business and Administration
COMRB208F Introduction To Computer Programming School of Business and Administration
COMRB219F Conditioning Science into Practice School of Business and Administration
COUNA221F COUNA221F School of Arts and Social Sciences
COUNA311F Addiction Counselling School of Arts and Social Sciences
DB8075BCF 數碼經濟與創新 School of Business and Administration
DB8075BEF Digital economy and innovation School of Business and Administration
DBB347F Digital Marketing School of Business and Administration
DBB873F Digital futures School of Business and Administration
DBB875F Digital economy and innovation School of Business and Administration
DBB879F Leadership In The Digital Age School of Business and Administration
DESNS217 Design Essentials School of Science and Technology
DESNS364 Fundamentals of Interaction Design School of Science and Technology
DESNS368 Innovation and Sustainability School of Science and Technology
ECON1001AEF Foundations of Social Sciences: Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON2001AED Introduction to Microeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON2002AED Introduction to Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECON3010AED Theory of Public Finance School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA121F Foundations of Social Sciences: Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA201 Economics of E-commerce & Technology School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA202C 當代中國經濟發展 School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA203 Hong Kong Economy School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA230 Introduction to Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA230C Introduction to Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231 Introduction to Microeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231C 微觀經濟學導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231CF Introduction to Microeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA231F Introduction to Microeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232 Introduction to Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232C 宏觀經濟學導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232CF Introduction to Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA232F Introduction to Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA233F Mathematics for Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA301 Economic Analysis of Business and Public Policies School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA302 Business and Economic Forecasting School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA303 International Trade and Finance School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA305 Money and Banking School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA308 Advanced Economics of E-Commerce and Technology School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA311 Intermediate Microeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA311F Intermediate Microecomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA312 Intermediate Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA312F Intermediate Macroeconomics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA313 Introductory Econometrics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA314 Econometrics and Forecasting School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA315 International Trade School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA316 International Finance School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA317 Theory of Public Finance School of Business and Administration
ECONA318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy School of Business and Administration
ECONA324F Global Political Economy School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA325F Money, Banking and Financial Markets School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA329F Economic Growth and Development School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA330F International Trade School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA831F Applied Microeconomics Analysis School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA832F Applied Macroeconomics Analysis School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA833F Applied Statistics and Econometrics School of Arts and Social Sciences
ECONA834F International Migration and Labour Economics School of Arts and Social Sciences
EDU 2263ECD 幼兒的個別差異 School of Education and Languages
EDU1158ECD 幼兒教育︰德育探究 School of Education and Languages
EDU1159ECD 幼兒教育﹕遊戲探究 School of Education and Languages
EDU1160ECD 兒童研究 School of Education and Languages
EDU1160ECF 兒童研究 School of Education and Languages
EDU1161ECD 幼兒教育基礎理論 School of Education and Languages
EDU1161ECF 幼兒教育基礎理論 School of Education and Languages
EDU1261ECD 幼兒教育課程規劃 School of Education and Languages
EDU2248ECD 幼兒語文(一) School of Education and Languages
EDU2250ECD 基礎輔導 School of Education and Languages
EDU2253EEF Child and Adolescent Development School of Education and Languages
EDU2273ECD 幼兒數學 School of Education and Languages
EDU2273ECF 幼兒數學 School of Education and Languages
EDU2276ECD 幼兒教育:視覺藝術 School of Education and Languages
EDU2277ECD 幼兒教育:音樂與律動 School of Education and Languages
EDU2278ECD 幼兒教育﹕大自然與生活 School of Education and Languages
EDU2278ECF Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education School of Education and Languages
EDU3271ECD 幼兒課程學 School of Education and Languages
EDU3281ECD 早期評估與介入 School of Education and Languages
EDU3370ECD 幼兒學與教的心理學 School of Education and Languages
EDU3373ECD 教育管理:理論與實務 School of Education and Languages
EDU3374ECD 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 School of Education and Languages
EDU4220ECD 教育與社會 School of Education and Languages
EDU4383ECD 有專注力不足/ 過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 School of Education and Languages
EDU4384ECD 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 School of Education and Languages
EDU4415ECD 幼兒融合教育 School of Education and Languages
EDU4480ECD 幼兒教育政策分析 School of Education and Languages
EDU8051ECD 教育領導與管理 School of Education and Languages
EDU8361ECD 中學教學:數學課程 School of Education and Languages
EDU8362ECD 中學中國語文:課程與評估 School of Education and Languages
EDU8363EED English Language Education in Secondary Schools: Learning, Curriculum and Assessment School of Education and Languages
EDU8813ECD Understanding Children's Development: The World of Children and Young People School of Education and Languages
EDU8861ECD 專業技巧:中學數學教學(教學實習) School of Education and Languages
EDU8862ECD 專業技巧:中學中國語文教學(教學實習) School of Education and Languages
EDU8865EED Professional Skills: Teaching English Language in Secondary Schools (Practicum) School of Education and Languages
EDU8899ECD 教師、學校課程與學校發展 School of Education and Languages
EDUE100 Learning and Teaching in a School Context School of Business and Administration
EDUE160C 兒童研究 School of Education and Languages
EDUE160CF 兒童研究 School of Education and Languages
EDUE161C 幼兒教育基礎理論 School of Education and Languages
EDUE161CF 幼兒教育基礎理論 School of Education and Languages
EDUE200C 兒童成長與課堂學習 School of Education and Languages
EDUE210C 課程理論、設計與評估 School of Education and Languages
EDUE219F Curriculum and Assessment Theories School of Education and Languages
EDUE220C 教育與社會 School of Education and Languages
EDUE220CF 教育與社會 School of Education and Languages
EDUE220F Education and Society School of Education and Languages
EDUE251C 課程學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE252C 教育心理學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE252F Educational Psychology School of Education and Languages
EDUE253F Child and Adolescent Development School of Education and Languages
EDUE254F Psychology of Teaching and Learning School of Education and Languages
EDUE261C 幼兒教育課程規劃 School of Education and Languages
EDUE262C 幼兒教育機構的管理 School of Education and Languages
EDUE263C 兒童的個別差異 School of Education and Languages
EDUE270C 幼兒學與教的心理學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE271C 幼兒課程學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE275C 幼兒教育 : 語文 School of Education and Languages
EDUE275CF 幼兒教育:語文 School of Education and Languages
EDUE276C 幼兒教育 : 視覺藝術 School of Education and Languages
EDUE277C 幼兒教育 : 音樂與律動 School of Education and Languages
EDUE278C 幼兒教育 : 早期數學、科學與科技 School of Education and Languages
EDUE278CF 幼兒教育 : 早期數學、科學與科技 School of Education and Languages
EDUE279C 領導幼兒教學的創新與資訊科技應用 School of Education and Languages
EDUE281C 早期評估與介入 School of Education and Languages
EDUE281CF 早期評估與介入 School of Education and Languages
EDUE282C 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 School of Education and Languages
EDUE282CF 教導有讀寫障礙傾向的學前幼兒 School of Education and Languages
EDUE311C 教育行政 School of Education and Languages
EDUE313C 特殊的教育需要 School of Education and Languages
EDUE314C 教育科技與資訊科技 School of Education and Languages
EDUE315F Inclusive Education School of Education and Languages
EDUE331C 小學教學 : 中文 School of Education and Languages
EDUE332 Primary School Teaching : English School of Education and Languages
EDUE333C 小學教學 : 數學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE334C 小學教學 : 常識 School of Education and Languages
EDUE336C 小學教學 : 視覺藝術 School of Education and Languages
EDUE337C 小學教育 : 體育 School of Education and Languages
EDUE339C 小學教學 : 普通話 School of Education and Languages
EDUE341CF 普通話為中文科的教學語言 : 理論與實踐 School of Education and Languages
EDUE351C 有教無類 School of Education and Languages
EDUE353F EDUE353F School of Education and Languages
EDUE361 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools School of Education and Languages
EDUE363 Teaching English in Secondary Schools School of Education and Languages
EDUE365F Teaching English in Schools School of Education and Languages
EDUE372C 幼兒融合教育 School of Education and Languages
EDUE373C 教育管理: 理論與實務 School of Education and Languages
EDUE374C 幼兒教育工作者專業與發展 School of Education and Languages
EDUE380C 幼兒教育政策分析 School of Education and Languages
EDUE383C 有專注力不足/過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 School of Education and Languages
EDUE383CF 有專注力不足/過度活躍傾向幼童的特徵、評估及管理 School of Education and Languages
EDUE385C 支援自閉症幼兒 School of Education and Languages
EDUE386C 語言遲緩與訓練 School of Education and Languages
EDUE400F Skills in Teaching English School of Education and Languages
EDUE801 Educational Research in Action School of Education and Languages
EDUE802 Language and Literacy in Social Context School of Education and Languages
EDUE805 Effective Leadership and Management in Education School of Education and Languages
EDUE805C 教育領導與管理 School of Education and Languages
EDUE806 Educational Management in Action School of Education and Languages
EDUE808C 中國語文教育 School of Education and Languages
EDUE809 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Worldwide School of Education and Languages
EDUE813 Child Development in Families, Schools and Society School of Education and Languages
EDUE813C 家庭、學校、社會與兒童發展 School of Education and Languages
EDUE814 Supporting Lifelong Learning School of Education and Languages
EDUE815 Leading and Managing for Effective Education School of Education and Languages
EDUE817 Learning, Curriculum and Assessment School of Education and Languages
EDUE817C 學習、課程與評估 School of Education and Languages
EDUE819 Investigating Language in Action School of Education and Languages
EDUE823 Understanding Children's Development School of Education and Languages
EDUE825 Educational Leadership: Context, Strategy and Collaboration School of Education and Languages
EDUE840C 兒童、學習與課程 School of Education and Languages
EDUE841 Skills in Teaching Primary School English School of Education and Languages
EDUE841C 專業技巧:小學教學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE842C 小學教學專業課題研究 School of Education and Languages
EDUE846 Curriculum, Learning and Society: Investigating Practice School of Education and Languages
EDUE850C 課程與評估 School of Education and Languages
EDUE854C 學習者、學習與學校課程 School of Education and Languages
EDUE862C 專業技巧:中國語文教學 School of Education and Languages
EDUE863 Professional Skills : Teaching English School of Education and Languages
EDUE865 English Language Teaching: Professional Skills School of Education and Languages
EDUE870C Professional Issues in Secondary School Teaching School of Education and Languages
EDUE872C 教學專業課題研究 School of Education and Languages
EDUE881C 戲劇與學校課程 School of Education and Languages
EDUE882CF 幼兒教育探究 School of Education and Languages
EDUE891 Education Enquiry School of Education and Languages
EDUL060C Study Skills for Distance Education School of Education and Languages
EDUL080 Study Skills School of Education and Languages
ELEC1010SEF Digital Logic Design School of Science and Technology
ELEC2010SEF Basic Electronics School of Science and Technology
ELEC2050SEF Signal and Systems School of Science and Technology
ELEC3220SED Circuit Analysis and Logic Design School of Science and Technology
ELEC3240SED Computers and Processors School of Science and Technology
ELEC3250SED Electronic Circuit Analysis And Design
ELEC3320SED Computer Networks School of Science and Technology
ELEC4340SED Signal Processing And Multimedia Technology School of Science and Technology
ELECS100F Introduction to Computer Engineering School of Science and Technology
ELECS101 Aircraft Electrics School of Science and Technology
ELECS201F Basic Electronics School of Science and Technology
ELECS202 Analogue and Digital Electronics School of Science and Technology
ELECS205F Signals and Systems School of Science and Technology
ELECS211 Fundamentals of Communications Technology School of Science and Technology
ELECS212 Network Programming and Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS212F Network Programming and Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS222 Electronics Principles and Digital Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS222F Electronics Principles and Digital Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS223 Microprocessor-based Computers School of Science and Technology
ELECS224 Computers and Processors School of Science and Technology
ELECS225 Analogue Circuits School of Science and Technology
ELECS241F Electronic Circuit Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS304F Communication Systems School of Science and Technology
ELECS305F Computer Networking School of Science and Technology
ELECS306F Wireless Networks School of Science and Technology
ELECS311 Wireless Communications School of Science and Technology
ELECS312 Networking and Switching Technology School of Science and Technology
ELECS313 Emerging Technologies School of Science and Technology
ELECS315F Routing and Switching Technologies School of Science and Technology
ELECS321 Internet Technology for Business Applications School of Science and Technology
ELECS323 Information Theory and Digital Communications School of Science and Technology
ELECS323F Information Theory and Digital Communications School of Science and Technology
ELECS326F Mobile Application Development School of Science and Technology
ELECS332 Computer Networks School of Science and Technology
ELECS333 Computer and PC Design School of Science and Technology
ELECS334 Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology School of Science and Technology
ELECS354 Inside Electronic Devices School of Science and Technology
ELECS396 Artificial Intelligence for Technology School of Science and Technology
ELECS402 Electronics Project Course School of Science and Technology
ELECS403 Communications Technology Project School of Science and Technology
ELECS420F Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensors School of Science and Technology
ELECS421F Biomedical Informatics School of Science and Technology
ELECS431F Blockchain Technologies School of Science and Technology
ENGG2002SEF Fluid Mechanics School of Science and Technology
ENGG2003SEF Thermodynamics School of Science and Technology
ENGG2004SEF Piped and fire Services School of Science and Technology
ENGG2006SEF HVAC School of Science and Technology
ENGG2060SEF Introduction to Material Science School of Science and Technology
ENGG3042SEF Construction Materials School of Science and Technology
ENGG3280SED Engineering Professional Practice School of Science and Technology
ENGGS202F Fluid Mechanics School of Science and Technology
ENGGS203F Thermodynamics School of Science and Technology
ENGGS204F Piped and Fire Services School of Science and Technology
ENGGS205F Electrical Technology School of Science and Technology
ENGGS206F HVAC School of Science and Technology
ENGGS228 Engineers in Society School of Science and Technology
ENGGS238 Quality and Reliability School of Science and Technology
ENGGS260F Introduction to Material Science School of Science and Technology
ENGGS301F Project Management for Engineering School of Science and Technology
ENGGS400F Advanced HVAC and Electrical Installation School of Science and Technology
ENGGS401F Lighting Technology School of Science and Technology
ENGGS402F Advanced Piped And Fire Services School of Science and Technology
ENGGS405F Reinforced Concrete and Structural Steel Design School of Science and Technology
ENGL1031AEF Introduction to English Fiction School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL1070EED English for Post-secondary Study School of Education and Languages
ENGL1101AED University English: reading and writing School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL1110EED English for effective communication I: Listening and speaking School of Education and Languages
ENGL1120EED English for effective communication I: reading and writing School of Education and Languages
ENGL1202EED University English: Listening and Speaking School of Education and Languages
ENGL2005AEF Folktales and Children's Literature in English School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2006AEF Asian Writings in English School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2200EED English for effective communication II : reading and writing
ENGL2202AED The structure of modern English I School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL2203AED The structure of mordern english II
ENGL2205EED Preparing for IELTS School of Education and Languages
ENGL2210EED English for effective communication II : listening and speaking
ENGL2225EED Short Stories around the World School of Education and Languages
ENGL2230EEF Introduction to English Linguistics School of Education and Languages
ENGL2235EED Hong Kong Literature in English School of Education and Languages
ENGL3320EED English Grammar in Context School of Education and Languages
ENGL3330EED Lexical Studies in English School of Education and Languages
ENGL3330EEF Lexical Studies in English School of Education and Languages
ENGL3345EED Critical Analysis of Modern Literary Masterpieces School of Education and Languages
ENGL3350EED Second Language Acquisition School of Education and Languages
ENGL4300EED The Art of English School of Education and Languages
ENGL4372EED Worlds of English School of Education and Languages
ENGL4425EED Literature and Film School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL8810EEF English Studies for Language Teaching School of Education and Languages
ENGL8815EEF Investigating English in Context School of Education and Languages
ENGL8818EEF Interdisciplinary Studies for English Language Learning and Teaching School of Education and Languages
ENGLA090 English Speaking and Listening Skills School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA101 University English Writing Skills School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA103F British and American Short Stories School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA104F World English(es) and Cultures School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA122 Presentation Skills School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA131 Introduction to English Fiction School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA131F Introduction to English Fiction School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA132 Introduction to English Drama and Poetry School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA200 Analysing English Grammar School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA202 The Structure of Modern English School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA204F Modern British and American Drama School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA205F Folktales and Children's Literature in English School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA206F Asian Writings In English School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA212F English Grammar Analysis School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA231 English Literature in the Modern World School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA232 Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA232F Socio-Cultural Issues In English Literature I School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA233F Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature II School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA235F World Englishes And Globalization School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA236F English-language Media and Pop Culture School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA237F Culture and Adaptation Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA240F Cultural Representations of the Metropolis School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA322F Chinese Literature In English Translation School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA323F European Literature in English Translation School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA324F Topic(s) in Chinese-Western Comparative Literature School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA336F Major Authors In English Literature I School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA337 Critical Approaches to Literature School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA337F Critical Approaches To Literature I School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA338F Major Authors in English Literature II School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLA339F Critical Approcaches To Literature II School of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGLE070 English for Post-secondary Study School of Education and Languages
ENGLE100 English for Effective Communication I School of Education and Languages
ENGLE110 English for Effective Communication I : Listening and Speaking School of Education and Languages
ENGLE120 English for Effective Communication I: Reading and Writ School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200 English for Effective Communication II : Reading and Writing School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200F English for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing School of Education and Languages
ENGLE200W English Writing For Public Relations Professionals School of Education and Languages
ENGLE205 Preparing for IELTS School of Education and Languages
ENGLE210 English for Effective Communication II: Listening and Spea School of Education and Languages
ENGLE230F Language, Language Use And Language Acquisition School of Education and Languages
ENGLE300 The Art of English School of Education and Languages
ENGLE310F Creativity in Everyday and Literary English School of Education and Languages
ENGLE320 English Grammar in Context School of Education and Languages
ENGLE320F English Grammar in Context School of Education and Languages
ENGLE340F Learning from Masterpieces: Literature School of Education and Languages
ENGLE370F Analysing Discourse of Workplace English School of Education and Languages
ENGLE371 The English Language: Past, Present and Future School of Education and Languages
ENGLE371F The English Language: Past, Present and Future School of Education and Languages
ENGLE372 Worlds of English School of Education and Languages
ENGLE372F Worlds of English School of Education and Languages
ENGLE373F English in the World School of Education and Languages
ENGLE810F English Studies for Language Teaching School of Education and Languages
ENGLS250F English Writing for Workplace Communication School of Science and Technology
ENVRS216 Environment: Change, Contest and Responses School of Science and Technology
ENVRS236F Environmental Pollution and Control School of Science and Technology
ENVRS237 Environmental Control & Public Health School of Science and Technology
ENVRS307F Environmental Pollution and Global Climate Changes School of Science and Technology
ENVRS319 Environmental Legislation and Management School of Science and Technology
ENVRS335 Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling School of Science and Technology
ENVRS341 Green Management: Sustainable Product Life Cycle, Environmental Management Systems and Regulations School of Science and Technology
ENVRS403 Applications of Biology and Chemistry in Environmental Studies School of Science and Technology
ENVRS411 Environmental Health and Safety School of Science and Technology
ENVRS820 Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment School of Science and Technology
ENVRS828 Advanced Ecology School of Science and Technology
ENVRS835 Advanced Environmental Control, Monitoring and Modeling School of Science and Technology
ENVRS880F Environmental Leadership and Decision-making School of Science and Technology
ENVRS881CW 環境管理職分和領導力 School of Science and Technology
FIN8014BED Corporate Finance and Risk Management
FIN8014BEF Corporate Finance and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FIN8033BCF 企業財務投資增長策略 School of Business and Administration
FIN8051BEF Financial Planning and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FIN8057BEF Tax, Estate and Trust Planning School of Business and Administration
FIN8062BEF Treasury and Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB167C 投資知識 School of Business and Administration
FINB168C 個人理財 School of Business and Administration
FINB280 Introduction to Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB280C 財務管理導論 School of Business and Administration
FINB280CF Introduction to Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB280F Introduction to Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB281F Finance for Managers School of Business and Administration
FINB351C 中國金融專題 School of Business and Administration
FINB375F Contemporary Banking Services School of Business and Administration
FINB377F Technical Analysis In Financial Markets School of Business and Administration
FINB379F Risk Management for Financial Markets and Products School of Business and Administration
FINB380C 香港銀行及金融體系 School of Business and Administration
FINB381 Commercial Banking School of Business and Administration
FINB383 Regulatory Framework of Banking and Finance in Hong Kong School of Business and Administration
FINB384 Insurance School of Business and Administration
FINB385 Investment Management School of Business and Administration
FINB385F Investments School of Business and Administration
FINB386 Financial Decision Making School of Business and Administration
FINB386C 財務決策 School of Business and Administration
FINB386F Financial Decision Making School of Business and Administration
FINB387 International Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB387F International Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB388 Banking Systems School of Business and Administration
FINB388C 銀行體系 School of Business and Administration
FINB388F Banking Systems School of Business and Administration
FINB389 Financial Markets School of Business and Administration
FINB389F Financial Markets School of Business and Administration
FINB428F Behavioural finance School of Business and Administration
FINB457F Real Estate Finance School of Business and Administration
FINB481 Investment Management School of Business and Administration
FINB482 Corporate Financial Strategic School of Business and Administration
FINB484 Financial Institutions Management School of Business and Administration
FINB484F Financial Institutions Management School of Business and Administration
FINB485 Special Topics in Management of Financial Institutions School of Business and Administration
FINB488 Derivatives and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB488F Derivatives And Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB814 Corporate Finance and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB814F Corporate Finance and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB829F Managing Financial Risk School of Business and Administration
FINB833C 企業財務 School of Business and Administration
FINB833CF 企業財務 School of Business and Administration
FINB850 Investment and Portfolio Management School of Business and Administration
FINB850F Investment and Portfolio Management School of Business and Administration
FINB851 Financial Planning & Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB851F Financial Planning and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB862 Treasury and Financial Management School of Business and Administration
FINB862F Finance for Corporations School of Business and Administration
FINB872 Special Topics in Corporate Finance and Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINB872F Special Topics In Corporate Finance And Risk Management School of Business and Administration
FINL165 Understanding Bank Services School of Business and Administration
FINTB338F E-payment Systems, Cryptocurrencies and Cyber Security School of Business and Administration
GAPGA823F International Organizations and Global Governance School of Arts and Social Sciences
GCSTA216 Chinese International Relations since 1949 School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEM3001SED Advanced High-Tech Gem Testing and Instrumentation School of Science and Technology
GEM3002SED Gems and Jewellery: Production and Quality Management School of Science and Technology
GEN1001ABF Film and Popular Culture School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1010ABF 數碼攝影藝術與實踐 School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1014AEF Psychology of Intimate Relationships School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1018ACF Chinese Literature and Culture School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN1041EEF Stress and Well-being School of Arts and Social Sciences
GEN2013SEF Nature Conservation: Exploring Biodiversity and Natural Landscapes of Hong Kong School of Science and Technology
GEN2068BEF How to Start Your Business School of Business and Administration
GEN2255ECF 普通話水平測試備考精研 School of Education and Languages
GENA101BF Film and Popular Culture School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA107F Psychology of Learning for Academic Success School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA108F Critical Thinking for Everyday Life School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA110BF Photographic Communication School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA117F Psychology Of Work And Internship Preparation School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA202F Highlights in World Civilizations School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENA208CF 戀愛及和父母相處的心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
GENB160F Fundamentals of Business Management School of Business and Administration
GENB250F Fundamentals of Marketing School of Business and Administration
GENB268F How to Start Your Business School of Business and Administration
GENE141F Stress and Well-Being School of Education and Languages
GENE142CF 趣味語文與妙趣文化 School of Education and Languages
GENN103CF 向健康出發 School of Science and Technology
GENS213F Nature Conservation: Exploring biodiversity and nature landscapes of Hong Kong School of Science and Technology
GIP100BEF GIP100BEF School of Business and Administration
GIP101BEF GIP101BEF School of Business and Administration
GIP201BEF Global Immersion Programme School of Business and Administration
HESCN101C 人類生物學 School of Science and Technology
HESCN102C 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(一 School of Science and Technology
HESCN103C 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(二) School of Science and Technology
HESCN104C 健康概念及人際行為 School of Science and Technology
HESCN201C 社區護理:概念與實務 School of Science and Technology
HESCN202C 關懷特殊的需要:理論與實務 School of Science and Technology
HESCN203C 社區護理服務研習 School of Nursing and Health Studies
HISTA202 Modern China (1900-1978) School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA213 A History of Hong Kong (1842-1997) School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA213C 香港歷史 (1842-1997) School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA280 What is Europe? School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA282 Science, Technology and Everyday Life (1870-1950) School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA317 Themes in British and American History: A Comparative Approach (1760-1970) School of Arts and Social Sciences
HISTA318 War, Peace and Social Change : Europe 1900-1955 School of Arts and Social Sciences
HPMB305F Event Management School of Business and Administration
HPMB306F Cultural Heritage Management School of Business and Administration
HPMB307F Advanced Tourism Management School of Business and Administration
HPMB308F Advanced Hotel Management School of Business and Administration
HPMB309F Theme Park Management School of Business and Administration
HPMB310F Tourism Planning and policy School of Business and Administration
HSCI8621NEF Smart Ageing and Gerontology Project  School of Nursing and Health Studies
HSCI9701NEF Scientific Practice and Clinical Research School of Nursing and Health Studies
IB8090BCF 國際管理策略 School of Business and Administration
IB8090BEF International Management Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB387F International Financial Management School of Business and Administration
IBB390 International Business Management School of Business and Administration
IBB390C 國際商業管理學 School of Business and Administration
IBB391F International Business Environment School of Business and Administration
IBB392F International business management School of Business and Administration
IBB396 Asia Pacific Issues in Management School of Business and Administration
IBB396F Asia Pacific Issues in Management School of Business and Administration
IBB397 Global Issues in Management School of Business and Administration
IBB397F Global issues in Management School of Business and Administration
IBB461 International Marketing School of Business and Administration
IBB461F International Marketing School of Business and Administration
IBB890 International Management Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB890CF International Management Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB890F International Management Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB891 International Marketing Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB891F International Marketing Strategy School of Business and Administration
IBB893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia Pacific Region School of Business and Administration
IBB893C 亞太區管理策略研究 School of Business and Administration
IDDAA101F Introduction To Digital Art School of Arts and Social Sciences
IDDAA302F Computational Art & Graphics School of Arts and Social Sciences
IT1010SED Introduction to Information and Communications Technology School of Science and Technology
IT1150EED Information Technology for Learning School of Science and Technology
IT1230SED Introduction to Internet Services and Applications School of Science and Technology
IT2340SED Web Site Design School of Science and Technology
ITE150 Information Technology for Learning School of Education and Languages
ITE150C 資訊科技與學習 School of Education and Languages
ITL250C 中文商業電腦 School of Education and Languages
ITS101 Introduction to Information and Communications Technology School of Science and Technology
ITS123 Introduction to the Internet School of Science and Technology
ITS123F Introduction to the Internet School of Science and Technology
ITS234 Web Site Design School of Science and Technology
ITS234F Web Site Design School of Science and Technology
ITS290F Human Computer Interaction & User Experience Design School of Science and Technology
LANG3329AED Semantics School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA331 Language and Society in Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA332 Stylistics & Discourse Analysis School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA333F Introduction to Sociolinguistics School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA339F Pragmatics School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGA343F Sociolinguistic Issues in Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
LANGE271 語言、傳意與社會 School of Arts and Social Sciences
LAW3062BEF Business Law School of Business and Administration
LAW8010BED Hong Kong Corporate Law School of Business and Administration
LAW8010BEF Hong Kong Corporate Law
LAW8068BEF CORPORATE LAW School of Business and Administration
LAWB260 Business Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB260C 商業法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB261C 中國商貿法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB262 Business Law I School of Business and Administration
LAWB262C 商業法 (一) School of Business and Administration
LAWB262CF Business Law I School of Business and Administration
LAWB262F Business Law I School of Business and Administration
LAWB263 Business Law II School of Business and Administration
LAWB263C 商業法 (二) School of Business and Administration
LAWB264C 中國商業法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB265C 中國商業法(二) School of Business and Administration
LAWB302 Company Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB330F Evolving Regulatory Framework of Fintech in Hong Kong School of Business and Administration
LAWB333 Company Law I School of Business and Administration
LAWB333F Company Law I School of Business and Administration
LAWB334F Company Law II School of Business and Administration
LAWB339F Regulatory Framework in Real Estate Industries School of Business and Administration
LAWB801C 中國憲法與行政法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB802C 中國民法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB803C 中國商法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB810 Hong Kong Corporate Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB810F Hong Kong Coprorate Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB811C 國際經濟及貿易法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB812C 中國經濟法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB813C 中國刑法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB814C 法理學 School of Business and Administration
LAWB815C 中國知識產權法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB816C 中國訴訟法與糾紛處理 School of Business and Administration
LAWB817C 國際私法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB843CW 中國民法原理與實踐 School of Business and Administration
LAWB843W Principles and Practices of Chinese Civil Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB844CW 中國合同法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB844W Chinese Contract Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB845CW 中國企業法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB846CW 中國知識產權保護法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB846W 中國知識產權保護法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB847CW 中國金融法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB847W Chinese Finance Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB848CW 國際商業法與中國 School of Business and Administration
LAWB853CW 中國行政法原理與實踐 School of Business and Administration
LAWB853W Principles and Practice of Administrative Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB854CF 中國商業糾紛處理的法律機制 School of Business and Administration
LAWB854CW 中國商業糾紛處理法律機制 School of Business and Administration
LAWB854W Chinese Legal Framework for Settlement of Commercial Disputes School of Business and Administration
LAWB868 Corporate Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB868CW 企業法 School of Business and Administration
LAWB868F Corporate Law School of Business and Administration
LAWB878F Compliance for Corporate Finance School of Business and Administration
LAWL166C 香港法律導論 School of Business and Administration
LESM2001AED Hong Kong Criminal Justice System School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESM2003AED Psychology for Law Enforcement School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESM3002AED Public Order Management School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA202 Police and Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA203 Psychology for Law Enforcement School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA204 Security Practice and Management School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA301 Core Issues in Policing School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA302 Public Order Management School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA303 Societies School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and Security Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences
LESMA305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology School of Arts and Social Sciences
LIBSA201 The Pacific Century School of Arts and Social Sciences
LIBSA301 A World of Whose Making? Politics, Economics, Technology and Culture in International Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences
MATH1210SED A Foundation in Pure Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATH1220SED A Foundation in Applied Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATH1410SEF Algebra and Calculus School of Science and Technology
MATHL030 基礎數學 School of Science and Technology
MATHS121 A Foundation in Pure Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATHS121F A Foundation in Pure Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATHS122 A Foundation in Applied Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATHS122F A Foundation in Applied Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATHS131F Engineering Mathematics I School of Science and Technology
MATHS141F Calculus & Algebra School of Science and Technology
MATHS201F Finite Mathematics for Business School of Science and Technology
MATHS207 數學方法及模擬技巧 School of Science and Technology
MATHS213 Linear Algebra and Analysis School of Science and Technology
MATHS214 Fundamentals of Group Theory and Geometry School of Science and Technology
MATHS215 Linear Algebra School of Science and Technology
MATHS216 Mathematical Analysis School of Science and Technology
MATHS221 Mathematical Methods School of Science and Technology
MATHS221F Mathematical Methods School of Science and Technology
MATHS222 Mathematical Models with Applications School of Science and Technology
MATHS232F Engineering Mathematics II School of Science and Technology
MATHS233F Engineering Mathematics III School of Science and Technology
MATHS242 Statistics in Society School of Science and Technology
MATHS246 Elements of Statistics School of Science and Technology
MATHS248 Analysing Data School of Science and Technology
MATHS249 Practical Modern Statistics School of Science and Technology
MATHS280 Statistical Methods for Decision Analysis School of Science and Technology
MATHS322 Mathematical Methods and Fluid Mechanics School of Science and Technology
MATHS333 Advanced Mathematical Methods School of Science and Technology
MATHS336 Groups and Geometry School of Science and Technology
MATHS337 Complex Analysis School of Science and Technology
MATHS343 Applications of probability School of Science and Technology
MATHS346 Linear Statistical Modelling School of Science and Technology
MATHS350 Applied Probability Models for Decision Making School of Science and Technology
MATHS365 Graphs, Networks and Design School of Science and Technology
MATHS371 Computational Mathematics School of Science and Technology
MATHS373 Optimization Methods for Decision Making School of Science and Technology
MATHS381 Number Theory and Mathematical Logic School of Science and Technology
MATHS382 Number Theory and Coding Theory School of Science and Technology
MATHS390 Quantitative Models for Financial Risk School of Science and Technology
MATHS390F Quantitative Models for Financial Risk School of Science and Technology
MATHS391F Mathematical Methods for Finance School of Science and Technology
MECHS101 Aircraft Mechanics School of Science and Technology
MECHS213 Materials: Engineering and Science School of Science and Technology
MECHS235 Engineering Mechanics: Solids School of Science and Technology
MECHS264 Design: Principles and Practice School of Science and Technology
MECHS363 Computer-Aided Design School of Science and Technology
MECHS395 Mechatronics School of Science and Technology
MGT3045BEF Organisational Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MGT4002BED Corporate Finance and Risk Management
MGT8015BED Strategic Management School of Business and Administration
MGT8015BEF Strategic Management School of Business and Administration
MGT8020BCF 競爭優勢策略 School of Business and Administration
MGT8020BEF Strategy for Competitive Advantage School of Business and Administration
MGT8034BCF 策略人力資源管理:創建競爭優勢 School of Business and Administration
MGTB102 Introduction to Services Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB160 Business Management Fundamentals School of Business and Administration
MGTB160F Business Management Fundamentals School of Business and Administration
MGTB240 Principles and Practices of Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB240C 管理原理與實務 School of Business and Administration
MGTB240CF Principles and Practices of Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB240F Principles and Practices of Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB290 Organizational Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MGTB290C 組織行為學 School of Business and Administration
MGTB341 Labour Relations and Law School of Business and Administration
MGTB341F Labour Relations and Law School of Business and Administration
MGTB342 Training and Development School of Business and Administration
MGTB342C 培訓及發展 School of Business and Administration
MGTB342F Training and Development School of Business and Administration
MGTB343 Managing in Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB343C 組織管理學 School of Business and Administration
MGTB344 Theory and Design of Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB344F Theory and Design of Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB345 Managing in Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB345F Managing in Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB346 Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MGTB346CF Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MGTB346F Theories and Practices of Organizational Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MGTB347 Managing People and Organizations School of Business and Administration
MGTB349 Managing Key Functions in Human Resource Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB354C 中國企業策略 School of Business and Administration
MGTB393 Asia-Pacific management issues School of Business and Administration
MGTB396F Asia Pacific Issues in Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB398 Business Strategy School of Business and Administration
MGTB399 Management Policy and Strategy School of Business and Administration
MGTB399C 管理政策與策略 School of Business and Administration
MGTB399F Management Policy and Strategy School of Business and Administration
MGTB440 Strategic Human Resource Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB441 Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach School of Business and Administration
MGTB441F Strategic Human Resource Management I School of Business and Administration
MGTB442 Strategic Human Resource Management Issues School of Business and Administration
MGTB442F Strategic Human Resource Management Issues School of Business and Administration
MGTB800 Foundations of Senior Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB8034BCF 策略人力資源管理:創建競爭優勢 School of Business and Administration
MGTB815 Strategic Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB815F Strategic Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB819 Concepts and Practices of Contemporary Business Administration School of Business and Administration
MGTB819C 當代工商管理概念與實務 School of Business and Administration
MGTB820 Strategy School of Business and Administration
MGTB820F Strategy School of Business and Administration
MGTB822 Creativity, Innovation and Change School of Business and Administration
MGTB824 Managing Human Resources School of Business and Administration
MGTB827 Strategic Human Resource Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB827F Strategic Human Resource Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB831C 策略管理 School of Business and Administration
MGTB834C 人力資源管理 School of Business and Administration
MGTB834CF 人力資源管理 School of Business and Administration
MGTB837 Human Resource Management in China School of Business and Administration
MGTB837F 中國人力資源管理 School of Business and Administration
MGTB838 Managing Knowledge School of Business and Administration
MGTB838F 知識管理 School of Business and Administration
MGTB839 Issues in Human Resource Management School of Business and Administration
MGTB839F 人力資源管理研究 School of Business and Administration
MGTL162 Managing Quality School of Business and Administration
MKT8041BCF 動態創新市場管理 School of Business and Administration
MKT8041BEF Innovative Marketing in a Dynamic World School of Business and Administration
MKT8077BCF 品牌管理與行銷 School of Business and Administration
MKTB250 Introduction to Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB250C 市場學導論 School of Business and Administration
MKTB250CF Introduction to Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB250F Introduction to Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB352C 中國市場學 School of Business and Administration
MKTB362 Marketing Research School of Business and Administration
MKTB362C 市場研究 School of Business and Administration
MKTB362F Marketing Research School of Business and Administration
MKTB363 Consumer Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MKTB363C 消費者行為 School of Business and Administration
MKTB363F Consumer Behaviour School of Business and Administration
MKTB365 Services Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB365C 服務市場學 School of Business and Administration
MKTB365F Services Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB366 Marketing Communications School of Business and Administration
MKTB366F Marketing Communications School of Business and Administration
MKTB370 Operations Management School of Business and Administration
MKTB370C 營運管理 School of Business and Administration
MKTB372 Operations Management: Concepts And Applications School of Business and Administration
MKTB373 Operations Management: Tools, Models and Analytical Approaches School of Business and Administration
MKTB377F Brand Management School of Business and Administration
MKTB391CF 國際商業管理學(一) School of Business and Administration
MKTB391F International Business Environment School of Business and Administration
MKTB392F International business management School of Business and Administration
MKTB461 International Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB461F International Marketing and Strategy I School of Business and Administration
MKTB462 Strategic Marketing School of Business and Administration
MKTB470 Supply Chain Management School of Business and Administration
MKTB841C 市場管理實務 School of Business and Administration
MKTB841CF 市場管理實務 School of Business and Administration
MKTB890 International Management Strategy School of Business and Administration
MKTB893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia Pacific Region School of Business and Administration
MKTB893C 亞太區管理策略研究 School of Business and Administration
MKTB896F Project and Event Management School of Business and Administration
MLS4001SEF Molecular Diagnosis of Human Diseases School of Science and Technology
NURS1101NCD 人類生物學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS1102NCD 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS1103NCD 個人護理:概念、技能與實務(二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS3405NED Health Assessment and Primary Health Care School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8602NCF 中醫護理學基礎 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8604NCF 中醫臨床護理學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8606NBF 專題研究 (中醫護理) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURS8612NEF Contemporary Issues in Extensive ELC School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101C 基礎生命科學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101CF Life Sciences School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN101F Human Anatomy and Physiology School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN102CF 人類生物科學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN103F Fundamental Nursing Practice School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN104C 精神健康 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN112C 兒童及成人護理學 (一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN114C 治療性精神護理學 (一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN114CF 治療性精神護理學 (一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN150CF 護理實務概論(一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN151CF 臨床護理學[普通科](一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN161CF 臨床護理學 [精神科] (一) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN202C Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) I School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN203F Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) I School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN204 Mental health School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN205CF 保健語言及傳訊 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208C 健康促進 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208CF 健康促進 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN208F Health Promotion School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN211F Health Assessment School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212C 兒童及成人護理學 (二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212CF 兒童及成人護理學 (二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN212F Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN213C 專科護理學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN213CF 專科護理學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214C 治療性精神護理學 (二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214CF Nursing Therapeutics in Psychiatry II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN214F Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN221F Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN222C 臨床實習 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN225F Nursing Therapeutics in General School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN226F Nursing Therapeutics in Mental School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN228F Specialty Nursing (Mental Health Care) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN250CF 護理實務概論(二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN251CF 臨床護理學[普通科](二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN252CF 臨床護理學 [普通科] (三) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN261CF 臨床護理學[精神科](二) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN262CF 臨床護理學 [精神科] (三) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN300C 護理專業透視 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN300CF NURSS300CF School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN301 Comparative Studies in Health School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN302 Advanced nursing I School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN303 Management and health promotion School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN304 Advanced nursing II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN305 Health Assessment and Primary Health Care School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN305F Health Assessment and Primary Health Care School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN307F Nursing Management School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN309CF Perspectives in Professional Nursing II School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN310 Professional Nursing Practice School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN310F Professional Nursing Practice School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN311F Primary Health Care School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN312F Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) III School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN313F Nursing Research School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN314F Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) III School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN320F Nursing Research I School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN326F Nursing Therapeutics in Mental Health Nursing IV School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN332F Specialty Nursing School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN401 Nursing Project School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN401F Nursing Project School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN800CF 中醫學基礎 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN801CF 中藥及方劑學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN802CF 中醫護理學基礎 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN804CF 中醫臨床護理學 School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN806BF Research Project (Chinese Medicinal Nursing) School of Nursing and Health Studies
NURSN8607NCF 中醫學基礎 School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN200F Principles of Physiotherapy Practice School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN201F Functional Anatomy School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN202F Movement Study and Exercise Science School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN208F Research Methods and Statistics School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN301F Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN304F Neurological Physiotherapy School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHSIN402F Primary Health and Community Care School of Nursing and Health Studies
PHTOA100BF Foundation of Photography School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHTOA304BF Fine Art Photography School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHTOA306F Expanded Imaging School of Arts and Social Sciences
PHYSS271 Discovering Physics School of Science and Technology
POLS1001AEF Foundations of Social Sciences: Political Science School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2001ACD 政治學導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2001AED Introduction to Political Science School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2002AEF Introduction to Political Philosophy School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLS2003AEF Introductory Comparative Politics School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA122F Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA201 Introduction to Political Science School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA201C 政治學導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA211C 香港政府及政治 School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA214 The United States in the 20th Century School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA221F Studying Government and Politics School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA301 International Organizations School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA316 Democracy: From Classical Times to the Present School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA321 Japanese Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA321F Government and Politics of Greater China School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA329F Political Analysis School of Arts and Social Sciences
POLSA330F Contemporary Political Theory School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC2027AED Positive Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC2032AED Introduction to Abnormal Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3009AEF Research Methods in Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3029AED Biological Psychology: Theories and Principles School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYC3030AED Developmental Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA124F Foundation of Social Sciences : Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA2028AED Introduction to Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA209 Child Development School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA212 Exploring Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA212C 心理學導論:理論與實踐 School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA215C 發展心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA221F Introductory Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA222F Psychology of Personal Growth School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA226 Biological Psychology : Exploring the Brain School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA227 Positive Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA228 Introduction to Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA229 Biological Psychology: Theories and Principles School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA230 Developmental Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA232 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA236F Positive Psychology And Mental Health School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA307 Social Psychology: Critical Perspectives on Self and Others School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA309 Cognitive Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA309C 認知心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA317 Social Psychology: Personal Lives, Social Worlds School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA317C 社會心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA318 History of Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA319 Theories Of Personality Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA320 Cognitive Psychology: Theories and Applications School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA320F Personality School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA321 Social Psychology: Theories and Applications School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA321F Social Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA322F Life-Span Developmental Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA323F Biological Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA324F Cognitive Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA325F Abnormal Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA327F Counselling and Guidance School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA328F Consumer Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA329F Industrial-Organizational Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA330F Learning and Motivation School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA331F Research Methods In Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA333F Current Issues in Psychology School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA334F Psychological testing and Assessment School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA341F Psychology of ageing School of Arts and Social Sciences
PSYCA821F Autism Spectrum Disorder: Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Perspectives School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTH1150ECF 基礎普通話 School of Education and Languages
PTH2200ACD 中級普通話(一) School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTH2250ECF 普通話運用 School of Education and Languages
PTH3255ECF 高級普通話(本地課程 School of Education and Languages
PTHA200C 普通話 II School of Arts and Social Sciences
PTHE150C 基礎普通話 School of Education and Languages
PTHE150CF 基礎普通話 School of Education and Languages
PTHE250C 普通話運用 School of Education and Languages
PTHE250CF 普通話運用 School of Education and Languages
PTHE255CF 高級普通話 School of Education and Languages
PTHL110C 中國商貿普通話 School of Professional and Continuing Education
PUAD2001AEF Introduction to Public Administration School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD2002AED Introduction to Public Policy School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD2003AED Introduction to Public Policy School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUAD3001AED Public Sector Management in Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA201 Introduction to Public Policy and Administration School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA202 Introduction to Public Administration School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA203 Introduction to Public Policy School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA222F Introduction to Public Administration School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA302 Government and Business School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA303 Current Issues in Public Sector Management School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA322F Public Sector Management School of Arts and Social Sciences
PUADA323F Public Policy Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences
RFMB825F Real Estate Markets School of Business and Administration
SCI1101SEF General Biology Laboratory Training School of Science and Technology
SCI2005SEF Public health and Infectious Control School of Science and Technology
SCI2006SEF Pharmacology and Toxicology School of Science and Technology
SCI3031SEF Biostatistics School of Science and Technology
SCI4001SEF Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care School of Science and Technology
SCIS121 A Foundation Course in Physics & Chemistry School of Science and Technology
SCIS122 A Foundation Course in Biology and Earth Science School of Science and Technology
SCIS123 Foundation Physics School of Science and Technology
SCIS124 Foundation Chemistry School of Science and Technology
SCIS319 Quality Management for Science and Technology School of Science and Technology
SCIS330 Scientific Research Methods School of Science and Technology
SCIS404 Advanced Topics in Food and Health Sciences School of Science and Technology
SCIS409 Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology School of Science and Technology
SCIS411F Environmental Health and Safety School of Science and Technology
SCMB370 Operations Management School of Business and Administration
SCMB371 Logistics School of Business and Administration
SCMB371C 物流管理 School of Business and Administration
SCMB371F Logistics School of Business and Administration
SCMB470 Supply Chain Management School of Business and Administration
SCMB471F Supply Chain Management School of Business and Administration
SOCI2002AEF Essentials of Sociological Inquiry (Contemporary) School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCI2018AED Understanding Digital Societies School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA123F Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA201 Sociology and Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA202 Hong Kong Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA202C 香港社會 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA208 Welfare, Crime and Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA213 Understanding Modern Societies School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA220F Essentials of Sociological Inquiry School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA221F Social Problems and Social Issues School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA223F Deciphering Social Life School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA301 Crime and Justice School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA315 Crime, Order and Social Control School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA318 Culture, Media and Identities School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA320F Hong Kong Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA323F Social Policy and Social Administration School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA326F Crime and Punishment School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA327F Globalization and Social Life School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA328F Perspectives and Issues on Crime School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA329F Crime Control and Punishment in Society School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA811F Crime and Criminology School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOCIA812F Punishment, Prison, and Penology School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1012ACD 社會科學基礎課程: 經濟學與政治學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1012AED Understanding Economics and Politics School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1021ACD 社會科學基礎課程:心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1021AED Psychology for Everyday Life School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1022ACD 社會科學基礎課程:社會學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC1022AED Understanding Sociology School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSC2001AED Mathematics for Social Sciences School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA111C 社會科學基礎課程: 心理學與社會學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA112 Understanding Economics and Politics School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA112C 社會科學基礎課程: 經濟學與政治學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA121 Psychology for Everyday Life School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA121C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA122 Understanding Sociology School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA122C 社會科學基礎課程:社會學 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA313 Principles of Social Research School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA313C 社會科學研究方法 School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA326F Quantitative Social Research Methods II School of Arts and Social Sciences
SOSCA327F Qualitative Social Research Methods I School of Arts and Social Sciences
SPM3036BED Sport and science to coaching School of Business and Administration
SPM3039BED Athletic Leadership and Sports Science Management School of Business and Administration
SPM4036BED Exercise Science into Practice School of Business and Administration
SPMB213 Working and Learning in Sport and Fitness School of Business and Administration
SPMB214F Learning in Sport and Fitness School of Business and Administration
SPMB215F Communication And Leadership In Sport And Fitness Organizations School of Business and Administration
SPMB218F Sport Science into Practice School of Business and Administration
SPMB335 Motivating and Coaching in Sports Management School of Business and Administration
SPMB336F Introduction to Athletic Development School of Business and Administration
SPMB337F Special Issues In Athletic Development School of Business and Administration
ST1020SEF Computer Applications for Control and Automation School of Science and Technology
STAT1510SEF Probability and Distributions School of Science and Technology
STAT2001AEF Essentials of Qualitative Research Inquiry School of Arts and Social Sciences
STAT2003AEF Statistics School of Arts and Social Sciences
STAT2610SEF Data Analytics with Applications School of Science and Technology
STAT2630SEF Big Data Analytics with Applications School of Science and Technology
STATA222F Qualitative Research Methods School of Science and Technology
STATS151F Probability & Distributions School of Science and Technology
STATS242 Statistics in Society School of Science and Technology
STATS261F Data Science Fundamentals With Applications School of Science and Technology
STATS263F Big Data Analytics And Applications School of Science and Technology
STATS310F Statistical Methods for Investment School of Science and Technology
STATS312F Design and Analysis of Experiments School of Science and Technology
STATS313F Multivariate Statistical Analysis School of Science and Technology
STATS314F Statistical Methods for Economics and Finance School of Science and Technology
STATS315F Applied Probability Methods for Investment School of Science and Technology
STATS316F Decision Analysis School of Science and Technology
STATS318F Statistical Methods for Data Mining School of Science and Technology
STATS319F Credit Risk Analysis School of Science and Technology
STATS347 Mathematical Statistics School of Science and Technology
STATS366F SAS Programming School of Science and Technology
STATS410F Research Project in Quantitative Analysis School of Science and Technology
TCS120F Computer Applications for Test Engineers School of Science and Technology
TCS319 Quality Management for Science and Technology School of Science and Technology
TCS341F Electrical Safety And Energy Efficiency School of Science and Technology
TCS361 Instrumentation and Testing Techniques School of Science and Technology
TCS362 Manufacturing and Inspection Technologies School of Science and Technology
TCS371 Product Certification and Laboratory Accreditation Practices School of Science and Technology
TCS372 Product Environmental, Health and Safety Standards School of Science and Technology
TCS409 Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology School of Science and Technology
TRAN2251ACD 翻譯導論 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRAN2252ACD 翻譯導論(二)
TRAN2254ACD 傳譯基礎 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA251C 翻譯語言結構 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA252C 翻譯語言研究 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA253C 譯文研究 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA254C 傳譯基礎 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA335 Culture and Translation School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA351C 實用翻譯1 (法律及商業) School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA352C 實用翻譯2 (公共行政及傳播媒介) School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA354C 高級傳譯 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA369CF 翻譯文化探討 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA369F Cultural Issues and Translation School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRANA453C 翻譯專題研究 School of Arts and Social Sciences
TRMB312F Responsible Tourism and Community Development School of Business and Administration